Chapter 7 ~ Hospitals & Visitors!

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Chapter 7

Harry’s POV

It broke my heart to see her just lying there, motionless.

Niall’s POV

She still looked peaceful and beautiful just sleeping there.

Louis’ POV

I may not know her really well or for a long time, but I somehow miss her.

Zayn’s POV

It feels weird to say this because we haven’t know her for long, but I kind of miss having her round and teasing her.

Liam’s POV

The boys and I have barely gotten to know her, but I guess the saying ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ is true. We all miss her and I feel as if something is missing.

Josh’s POV

It kills me to see my best friend lying there still. When no one’s there I sometimes sit and talk to her and I don’t even know if she can hear me.

Grace’s POV

I really need to cry right now, but I can’t. If I break down, the rest will break down, especially Josh and Harry (for some reason). I have to stay strong for Charlotte.

Tyler’s POV

OMG I can’t believe this is actually happening. Why did she black out? I really miss Char and I hope she wakes up soon, I really need to tell her something.

Charlotte’s POV

Beep…beep…beep…beep. There’s a constant beeping sound in the background and I can’t get it to stop and it’s getting really annoying. I hear someone crying in the background, people shuffling and voices saying that “everything is going to be alright”. I then felt someone sit next to me and start talking. It was an Irish accent.

“Erm. Charlotte I hope you can hear us at the moment. Please wake up as soon as you can. We really miss you.” After he spoke more people came up and talked to and they said how they were missing me; I was missing them too. I recognised some of the voices, like Grace’s, Tyler’s and Josh’s voices but I couldn’t put a finger on the other ones. I had a feeling that someone still hadn’t spoken, something was missing. I was right.

I felt someone holding my hands. His hands are large, warm and as soft as a baby’s butt (sorry had to put that in) and this person started talking and the whole room went quiet.

“Charlie…Charlotte? Can you hear me? You’ve been out for five days now. If you can hear me squeeze my hands or do something. We’re all here for you and we hope you can hear us. We miss you lots. We love you.” It was a husky voice. For some reason I could put a finger on this voice and it was Harry. As he was about to let go and get up, I felt and urge to squeeze his hands.

“*Gasp* guys. She just squeezed my hands, I felt it. Charlotte if you really can hear me squeeze my hand again,” I squeezed his hand again and this time I tried to open my eyes. As soon as I opened my eyes I saw all my friends standing above my head and Harry caught my eyes the most, because he had a huge smile on his face and a tear down his face. Wait! He had a tear down his face!

“Hi guys. How long have you guys been here for at the hospital?”

“Let’s just say you’ve been passed out for the last five days,” Zayn answered my question with a smirk on his face.

“So have you guys been here the whole time?”

“Harry took recording time off to be with you and he hasn’t left the room at all unless he needed to pee or when we forced him to go out for a fresh air. We brought him food and clothes to change into ‘coz he wouldn’t budge out of this room. The rest of the boys had to work on their new album, Grace and Tyler obviously had school and Gem and I have spent our time here with Harry when we’re not at work. Your parents came to visit you every day and they were really upset to leave this morning, but they had and urgent call from work saying that they had to fly out to New York for the rest of the week,” Josh explained everything and I couldn’t take my eyes off Harry and I can’t he gave up everything and just sat there waiting for me to respond. I really need to do something to say thank you to him, but I’ll come up with something later.

“Oh wow! Thank you guys so much for waiting for me to wake up, especially you Harry. I can’t believe you gave up your important album work just sitting there for me to wake up,” Harry blushed, “and I really can’t thank you guys enough. Josh do you mind calling my parents to say that I have woken up and once I am out of this dreadful place, I am taking you all out for Nandos and the meals are on me. That’s the least I can do.”

They all came and surrounded me and gave me a hug. We were interrupted by the door opening and it was the doctor; at the same time, Josh left the room to call my parents to tell them the news. They must be worried sick!

A few minutes after the doctor left, I hear the door open and I expect it to be Josh, but instead there was two people. These people were the last people on this planet I was expecting to see.


Hi everybody! So who do you think these people are? Sorry we haven’t updated in ages. Thank you for reading and we can’t believe this book has 118 reads so far! This chapter is really short, so we will try to put up another chapter soon.

Thanx for reading

~A xx

Instagram: _theboysnextdoor_

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