Chapter 5 ~ Sleepover!

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Chapter 5

Charlotte’s POV

I wake up this morning and I see that there’s a guy sleeping next to me. I get a heart attack for a moment, but then I remembered that Josh stayed over last night. Today was Friday (mental happy dance) and Grace and Tyler were coming round for a sleepover. Josh was staying here for as long as I let him (which is probably going to be forever) and it’s also an advantage for him, since he’s closer to his school and where he works. Grace and Tyler don’t know that Josh is at mine yet and I don’t plan on letting them know until they find out when they come round tonight, so that it’s a surprise. I tried to get out of bed as quietly as I could so that I wouldn’t wake Josh up, since I had woken up earlier than usual to take a shower, from what he told me from last night, Josh didn’t have a lesson this morning so he’s starting school later than me. Successfully, I quietly make myself out of bed without waking Josh up and I go to the downstairs shower, as I would wake my parents and Josh up if I used my bathroom or the upstairs bathroom.

After a quick shower, I wrap myself round with a towel and make my way upstairs. When I get up there I see a something I wasn’t expecting; Josh was lying on my bed with a towel around his torso, casually texting whoever he was texting. Wow he really has worked out and got hotter since the last time I had seen him.

“Helloooo, earth to Char? Can you hear me or were you checking me out? If I was really cheesy I would say the cliché phrase: “Take a picture, it’ll last longer!” Shit! Was I really checking my best friend out?

“Pleeease! Why would someone like me want to be checking someone like me be checking someone like you out, Devine? Not trying to hurt your huge ego or anything, but I was thinking about how you finally have muscles, even though they’re tiny,” I burst out laughing whilst he scowls at me.

I make my way over to my walk in closet and pick out something to wear. Since I am the only child of a wealthy couple, they spoil me a lot! Once I get an underwear, bra, leggings, a t-shirt and a hoodie, I start getting changed. I don’t care whether Josh is in the room or not because he’s my best friend and I know that he won’t start checking me out. I turn around and see him smirking at his phone and texting.

“Who you texting?” I ask in an annoying sing-song voice.

“No one!” he replies back. Since he’s not gonna tell me and he’s not paying attention to me, I grab his phone and read out the name.

“Gemma! Ooooh who’s your little female friend called Gemma? Does my little Joshy Woshy have little crush?” I ask while pinching his cheeks. He groans and takes his phone back.

I look at the time and see that it’s 7.40am and I need to leave in fifteen minutes, so I go downstairs and see my mum making me toast with Nutella.

Once I finish my breakfast I brush my teeth, put on some of my Baby Lips, get my bag, put my shoes on and say bye to my parents and Josh.

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