Author's Note

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Hey guys!

Sorry that we haven't updated in like...forever! We have started to write the next chapter but there's a few things that we would like you guys to know before we upload the new chapter.

1. There will be more regular updates, because we have finished our exams and half  term is coming up.

2. There's a new member who is helping us write the book!

3. Even though Zayn has left 1D (comment your thoughts on this) this book will still continue, but it will no longer be a proper 1D fanfic, it will just include the boys' name and a few events that happened, however, the story line still hasn't changed, so keep on reading!

4. We would love it if you guys shared your thoughts on the book and leave some questions that you guys would like us to answer.

5. WE LOVE YOU GUYS! We can't believe how far this book has got!

Thanx to you all who read this note and the new chapter will be up in a week or so and comment if you want any other fandoms or people included.

Please vote, comment and follow.

We love you.

Stay awesome!

~A, S, SM (<—the new member)

Instagram: _theboysnextdoor_

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