"Hi," Perrie is the first one to speak, and she wears a satisfied smile as Jade finally stands in front of her.

"Hi," Jade replies, and Perrie can tell she is a little embarrassed. "I just wanted to ask if you'd like to come to my dorm on Tuesday after your classes for a little study session. Jesy told me that Leigh-Anne and her are going shopping so it could be really fun having you around." What she is implying in her words is so obvious that it makes Perrie blush. Whenever they are alone they end up not studying at all, but speaking of it in code makes it somehow even more of an event to look forward to.

"I'd love that," Perrie answers, and can't help but question Jade's true motives. "Is that all you wanted to ask?"

"You don't hold back, do you?" Jade replies and laughs. It will never fail to amaze her how Perrie can see right through her. "I mean, can I maybe ask if you and Alex are a thing? Seeing you two tonight just made me wonder. You don't have to tell me, though. It's none of my business, I know."

"No, it's alright. He's just a friend," Perrie assures Jade and the atmosphere immediately lightens. She gives Jade a long hug, and allows herself to take the time to truly melt into the touch. She finds it so beautiful how Jade shows her insecure side too sometimes, and each time that happens it reminds Perrie what a fragile soul Jade has. That is one of the reasons why she isn't ready to commit to her and make it official, she knows that if she ever betrays Jade's trust somehow, she will never be able to earn it back, so it is better to not build it in the first place. As they let go of each other, Perrie remembers something she had wanted to ask. "Oh, by the way, are you coming to the party tomorrow?"

"I don't think so, I'll probably stay in and use the time to study," Jade replies with a comforting smile. "I have a lot of work to catch up on, but it was nice running into you. See you on Tuesday, and don't forget to bring your textbooks," she tells Perrie and they both fail to hold back their laughter as they say goodbye.

By Monday night, Jade already knew she had no choice but to go to that party. Everyone kept talking about Perrie and Alex, and what a great couple they would make.It's possible that Jade was only imagining it all, but it sure did feel like people want Perrie to be Alex to be together. She felt uneasy about not going to that party, she was scared that something major was going to happen while she wasn't there, and she will only hear about it through inaccurate rumors the next day. That was the main reason why she changed her mind last minute and decided to go with Jesy anyway.

It was a mistake, and she came to that conclusion only about fifteen minutes after Jesy and her got there. They were saying hi to everyone they knew, and the place was already quite crowded since they arrived late. Naturally, Jade went to search for Perrie. She was anticipating the moment where she was going to finally see her, and the smile that Perrie would wear when she would realize that Jade surprised her by showing up, and how happy she would be. This moment never came, though, because when Jade saw Perrie, Perrie had Alex's hands all over her body, and her lips were on his. It was such a painful sight to watch, him acting like she is hers, and her appearing to be enjoying it. In Jade's eyes, it was so wrong, and she simply couldn't stand watching. She got out of there and walked back to her dorm as fast as she could, then rushed to go to bed and forget about everything she had witnessed.

She had this dilemma as her alarm went off this morning. Could she attend her classes today, and risk seeing Perrie at the halls like she usually does? If she sees her, how is she going to act? Will today's gossip be all about Perrie and Alex? After laying some extra time in bed, she decided that she shouldn't be missing any of her classes, that after all, she is here to learn and work to build her future, one that Perrie might not even be a part of. Throughout the day, she did her best to avoid all of the places where she would usually run into Perrie, and found out that that was actually doable. That made her realize just how much Perrie and her have been trying to run into each other. For a while now, they have been arriving early to some classes, and were late to others, for the sole purpose of getting a glimpse of each other. Once Jade stopped playing her part in the game, Perrie and her stopped seeing each other altogether.

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