"I will find a way to get your mind back." I whispered as I walked away. I ignored everyone around me as I made a portkey and held tightly to my little cub, Shy.

I went to Diagon Ally, a wizard shopping center in England, and got everything needed to go to Hogwarts, plus extra books that were more to my level of reading and found a small dark ally and a store that sold great potion ingredients. I then went to muggle London and bought more muggle clothes. I only ever wore the color black so that didn't take very long.

Now here I was almost to Professor Dumbledore ' s office. Shy was walking beside me, constantly on guard of the new place. I could tell she was fascinated by it. Once in the headmasters office, she curled up in my lap when I sat across from Professor Dumbledore. A old woman, with her hair in a bun and green robes sat beside me.

"Miss Links, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Chris has told me all about you. We look forward to having you here this year." Professor Dumbledore said, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore, I will need a potions room to use on a regular bases and I would like to place a ward of my own making around it. Chris is currently in St. Augustus Hospital in the mental ward. I would like to use the potion lab to work on creating a potion that will give him his mind back." I said, petting Shy on the head.

"I'm very sorry to hear that. May I ask what happened between last week and now to make him that way?"

"A very bad war. I have a very special time Turner that allows me to travel to and from the past or future. It's how I get my training and personal time in. We used it to go back to a war that broke out a few months ago and end it."

"Miss Links, I would like you to meet Professor McGonagall, she will help you adjust to this school. You'll be granted the potions lab. I have one favor I'd like to ask of you."

"Yes sir?"

"Next year, a very special boy will be joining us. He will need protection in the long run. Will you protect him? Keep an eye on him inside and outside of school? Also, train him in magic?"

"Will you introduce me to Severus Snape? The only reason I even agreed to this school is because he use to come here."

"Severus? How do you know of him?" Professor McGonagall asked, speaking for the first time.

"Potions Weekly. I love his articles when he posts. He's the best Potion Master in the word. It's my dream to be like him." I stated firmly. Though on the inside I was bubbling with emotions, my face remained blank.

"Yes my dear." Professor Dumbledore said, his eyes seemed to be twinkling even more and it was creeping me out.

"Tell me more about this boy I'll need to watch over."

"His name is Harry Potter. Have you heard of him?"

" I've read a little about him. He hasn't had the easiest life from what I've read. His parents were killed by a Dark Lord while he was just a baby. No one knows what happened to him after that."

"He lives with his muggle relatives. He's not happy with them from what I've heard. I think he could use a good influence in his life."

I sat in silence for a while. I could help this little boy. I knew what is was like the have no parents, though I'm sure his wanted him. I knew what it was to have a bad life, though I'm sure his was not as bad as mine. I really just want to meet Severus. Wonder if this boys parents knew Severus? "What year were his parents in their fourth year and what are their names?"

"1972, Lily Evans and James Potter."

"I think I'll join them in their fourth year. I'll have a easier time helping if I understand everything. Best way to do that is live it. I'll arrive back in this time, in this place, in one hour." I said and stood up. I pulled a necklace from under my shirt. It had a gold hour glass hanging from a gold chain. I mumbled a unfreeze charm on it and clicked the side buttons to say September 1st 1972. With a flash I was standing in front of a younger Albus Dumbledore. We were the only two in his office. He looked highly surprised.

Severus's Love, Harry's ProtectorWhere stories live. Discover now