Spade: ...I know it's you...

Misha: H-How...?

Spade: The way you held the grenade launchers, I could tell it's your first time handling one. And that you were hesitant whenever you use your grenades.

Misha: Heh... I guess I couldn't protect everyone...

Spade: You fought well, for your first time. I guess...

Misha: Just kill me...

Spade: No

Misha: ...Why? I betrayed your trust...

Spade: Misha... I'm sparing you because deep inside, I know you don't want this, you don't want to fight anyone.

Misha: That's not true...

Spade: Don't lie to me Misha.

Misha: I'm not lying!

Spade: ...If you say so, then shoot me.

Misha: Huh?

Spade: Shoot me. Prove to me that you aren't lying, take the gun I gave you, aim it at me, then pull the trigger.

Misha: I-

Spade: Why are you hesitating? Didn't you just say you weren't lying about not wanting this? Here, I'll help you.

Spade searched Misha's pocket and fished out a gun, he placed it in her hand and helped her aim at his head.

Spade: Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same thing... over and over again expecting... things to change... Now PULL the trigger.

Misha: I-I...

Misha's hand shook as she aims at Spade's head. Sweat starts to form on her hand as she lightly touches the trigger.

Misha: I... I can't...

Spade: And why?

Misha: B-Because... I... I-I don't want this!

Spade: What DO you want?

Misha: I... want to l-live!

Spade: ....

Misha: I-I...

Misha stops talking as she felt a hand rubbing her head, she looks up and saw Spade with his eyes closed and smiling.

Spade: Shh... that's enough... If that's what you want, then I'll give it to you.

Misha: Huh? What do you mea-

Suddenly, Spade chops Misha on the back of her neck. Misha immediately collapses to the ground showing no signs of waking up. Spade went beside her to check her pulse.

Spade Thoughts: Thank goodness...

Amiya and Ch'en: Spade!

The two approached Spade, with Ch'en checking on Spade while Amiya takes off Misha's gas mask.

Amiya: ....

Ch'en and Spade looked over to see Misha's "dead" body.

Ch'en: Amiya....

Amiya: ....

Spade: Amiya, it's over now.

Ch'en: People always have a way of surpassing your expectations. Even more so when it comes to the infected. Power begets madness, and desire begets depravity. They are cancers, eroding away at all that is good in the world.

Amiya: ....

Spade places his hand on Amiya's shoulder.

Spade: Amiya, let's go home. I'll get you something to cheer you up, okay?

Amiya: ...Yeah...

Spade nods before looking at Dr. Linda.

Spade: Doctor, can you take care of Amiya?

Dr. Linda: Yes

Ch'en: The L.G.D will clear the scene before finishing up.

Amiya: Doctor, let's go.

Spade: Amiya, you and the others go first, I'll help with the clean-up.

Amiya: Okay... see you later, Spade.

Amiya and the others left Spade with Ch'en and the L.G.D. One of the guards carried Misha's corpse to Ch'en.

L.G.D Guard: Madam Ch'en, what should we do to Skullshatterer's corpse?

Ch'en: Dispose of it.

Spade: I'll do it.

Ch'en: Hm?

Spade: I have a place where I could cremate the body. I'll take her there.

Ch'en: Okay then. You'll take care of the body.

With a nod, the L.G.D handed the body to Spade, he put her on his back as he looks at Ch'en.

Spade: I'll be going now.

Ch'en: Just be careful.

Spade: Yeah... see you soon.

Spade slowly disappears into a series of pixels with Misha in tow.


Location: Unknown

Spade walks down a beaten off path in the middle of a lush green forest, with Misha on his back still unconscious. 

Spade Thoughts: If I remember correctly it should be this way.

Spade looks up through the gaps of the trees to see the sun sinking in the horizon.

Spade: It's about to be dark, I think it's close by.

After a few more minutes of walking, Spade arrived at a large clearing. And in his view is a house camouflaged by its surroundings.

Spade Thoughts: How long has it been since I live here?

Walking up the concrete steps, Spade stops in front of a metal door and searches for his keycard in his outfit. He then pulls out the card and shows it  to the card scanner. The door then opens allowing him to enter.

Spade took off his shoes and went through the hallway. He arrived at the living room with a massive couch in the middle, he laid Misha on the couch and went to the room next to it which was a kitchen.

After cooking himself a nice bowl of ramen, Spade went back to living before sitting on another couch and sigh. He took one last look at Misha before putting an arm over his eyes as a voice from the past echoes in his mind.


"Apparently, there has been  civil unrest and a breakout from the Prison. Nathan, you and your son have been requested to deal with this situation."

End Of Chapter

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