Reunion Caster: Shit!

Pulling out Rose, Spade shot the caster and two others clean in the head.

Ch'en: Spade! Are you okay!?

Spade: I'm fine! Just a bit tired!

Spade replied as he checks Rose to see it's out of ammo.

Spade Thoughts: Out of bullets... have to resort to CQC.

Holstering Rose, Spade grabbed his Quickfang and sheathes it on his back. He then looks around and saw that only Skullshatterer and a few more soldiers remain.

Skullshatterer: ....A-Amiya...?

Amiya: Why... You... Why did you become like this...

Skullshatterer: Amiya... I guess this was our fate all along...

Skullshatterer had the grenade launcher trained at Amiya and Dr. Linda, hesitantly pulled the trigger sending a grenade at their direction.

Dr. Linda: Amiya, snap out of it!

Before the grenade could reach them, Spade dashes up to it and deflects it, causing it to explode to the side.

Spade: Doc, take Amiya somewhere safe, I'll deal with Skullshatterer.

Dr. Linda: What about you?

Spade: Don't worry! I got this!

Spade turned back to Skullshatterer to see another grenade heading towards him.

Before Spade could react, the grenade was suddenly redirected off its course by Ch'en.

Ch'en: You alright?

Spade: Yeah, I'm fine. I owe you one.

Ch'en: Take me out on a date and we'll be even.

Spade: Deal

Ch'en: Hmph, let's finish this.

Spade: Ladies first.

Ch'en: Gladly

Ch'en went first running up to Skullshatterer, sidestepping and slicing through the grenades. The explosions kicking up the sand around them, obscuring everyone's view of the battle.

Ch'en: Spade!

Spade: On it!

Spade ran into the dust cloud and saw Skullshatterer clutching the bleeding stomach with one hand. Spade swung downwards with his Quickfang aiming for the head, Skullshatterer raised a grenade launcher with the other hand to block it. The sword in Spade's hand began to crack before shattering.

Spade Thoughts: Crap!

Skullshatterer: Die...!

Before Skullshatterer could pull the trigger, Spade brought out some knives and threw one that pierced through the jacket and hitting the wrist.

Skullshatterer: Why is my arm... not moving?!

Another knife pierced the thigh, bringing Skullshatterer on one knee. Skullshatterer looks up to see Spade with a knife in between his fingers.

Skullshatterer Thoughts: Is this... how I die?

Spade: Misha...

Skullshatterer: ....Huh?

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