No fun in teasing

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'shit I'm not getting out of this situation am I? I've got to think of a plan...and soon or I'm gonna get chewed up by these glorified walking boners.' I glance at the taller skeleton that walked through the door. I had to look up at least a couple feet, 'Theyre very tall...Are they wearing height enhancing boots? Geez talk about over selling that you know that your tall..'
The taller skeleton looks at me with glowing red eyes and they seem to growl before turning to the shorter skeleton holding me in place. " this what you meant to show me as a big surprise? A..human? No less a frail and weak looking one at that. I see you couldn't wait to torment them without me.." They reach over and grab my chin forcibly and lift me up a bit to take a quick look at my face. "A female no less...But (he smacks my face away with some force cause me to get pushed back into Sans) Whatever you have planned it better be worth my time, Undyne was in the middle of showing me new tactics. So do care to explain to me" He growls towards the shorter skeleton causing Sans to tremble and bit before he speaks up confidently. "Boss come on! Don't you want to give them a taste? (He proceeds to stick out his glowing red tongue and lick the side of my face going slowly up my cheek, I shiver in slight disgust but my face bursts into a blush as bright red as his tongue) See boss~ They're practically all ours to play with" The taller skeleton sighs and rubs(?) his face "Sans..You think you can just interrupt my training duties for some play time? I'm not amused in the slightest and let me remind you" He grabs me roughly and places me against his chest against my back, the wind gets knocked out of me a bit but I have no time to think about loose of air. I feel my shirt begin to lift up while claws scratch up my stomach leaving bright red marks and some blood spilling out. I hiss a bit but am silenced when he places his other hand under my chin and squeezes. "As much as I enjoy your noises, either be silent or be punished like my dear brother" Sans looked confused for a second before a look of panic came onto his face when red streams on magic swimmed around him and the taller skeletons dark persona grew darker as his eye began to grow a violent red. "BOSS!? COME ON DON'T!" Tendrils appeared to wrap around the skeleton, one shoved itself into his mouth silencing Sans. His face burst into a bright maroon colour and he seemed to drool a bit. "You've bothered me enough. Here is your punishment, you are going to stand there and watch. You will not take a part in anything unless you act better." Sans nodded furiously and the tendils got tighter around his body causing his stature to falter a bit. "Now..hello human...My name is the great papyrus..I expect you to remember my name but for now you will call me 'sir' if you do not you will be punished accordingly. Do you understand?" His fingers poked at my mouth wanting to explore the inside cavern. When he heard no response, his clawed hand reached for my chest scratching the skin a bit from underneath the shirt and making me gasp which allows him to shove two fingers inside my mouth. I muffle from the surprise attack and he wiggles his fingers a bit growling into my ear with a low tone. "Behave like a good human and suck. "

Guess who is back? Meee! How are all y'all doing? Sorry I've been gone for so long! I'll try to update more

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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I Fell for a human -_Underfell!Sans X Reader_- (lemon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ