'Its just how they had them back then I don't think they knew what fitted was said', Theia replied.

'Well they should have known, how's a girl gonna be able to show these fine ass curves, I've got to show what my mama gave me' said Kerrys.

As she dances out of the changing room in a dark blue dress with black sequins and tassels.

'Okay girls, now that we have our outfits lets pay and then head to Joys, I am hangry for some curly fires and a milkshake but not sure which one yet' Kayla said.

I giggle a little and realise that I actually want a milkshake to we grab our stuff and head to the cashier. We leave the shop and start walking to Joys, which was only a 2-minute walk from Hidden Gems. As we cross the road I see Angel and Bee down the street. 'Isn't that Angel', I question. I turn my head to Kerrys as she whips her head in the direction I was just looking at.

'Where?' Kerrys replies.

I turn back to look but Angel and Bee were gone.

'Are you sure you saw him?' Questioned Kerrys.

'Hmm maybe, maybe not. I must be really hungry that I'm hallucinating' I replied.

'Come on let us get you fed' Kerrys said as she linked my arm.


As I pull up to my house I see Kree leaving his. I park up and see him heading towards me. I get out the car as he steps up in front of me.

'Hey' Kree says sheepishly.

'Hey'i returned.

We both looked at each other and it was at least a minute before Kree spoke. He looks at the back seat of my car and says 'You went shopping.

'Yeah, the girls and I got something to wear to the dance', I say as I bend over to take the bags out the car.

I can feel Kree's eyes on me as I grab my bags. When I turn around, he looks and nods 'Oh ok' Kree says whilst looking at anything but me.

'Speaking of which, I guess you're going with Bailey then'

He snapped his head in my direction. 'What no, she did ask me, but I told her I did not want to go' Kree replied.

What he said no? I swear the biggest smile formed on my face and he smiled back at me. Now this is my chance to ask him to go with me. Okay come on Sage you can do this just ask him to go with you. I look down and then back up at him ready to ask but the words would not come out. We just stood there in silence. Okay come on say it, say it.

'Uhm soooo' I started but he cut me off.

'Errmm I was just about to go for a run so I will catch you later then' Kree said.

'Oh yeah, I've got homework to do so yeah catch you later.' He waved bye and start running off down the street. OMG what the hell is wrong with me? I had the chance to talk more and I blew it. To be honest the universe is not working against me - I'm working against myself. I walk in my house with my head shaking in my hands.

As I walked in the house I see my mom in the living room watching T.V. 'Hi hon, how was your day? Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes.'

'My day was fine. The girls and I went to Joy's after school but you know me, I still have room in my belly',  I reply back to my mum as I headed up the stairs to my room. Still with my head down in shame, all I could hear was my mom voice faintly in the distance saying okay.

I got into my room and collapsed onto my bed. 'What is wrong with me?'

'Many things.' I lift my head up and see my sister standing at my door. 'I think I actually have a list. I wrote them down when I was younger. Number 1: annoying, 2: know-it-all, 3-' 

I turn my head back to look up at the ceiling. 'What do you want, can't you see I'm going through something right now ?' I cut her off.

'When are you not?' Shay replied whilst walking into my room and sitting on the bed. 'I have to tell you something'.

'Okay, what is it?' I say as I sit up on the bed.

'It's really important and after I tell you, you have to help me tell mom and dad' Shay said seriously.

'Ooh now I really want to know. Did you get in trouble at school already, we've literally just started back', I ask. Shay shuffles back and forth and took a few deep breaths. I put my hand on her back and said 'Shay, you know you can tell me anything, I'm always going to be here for you.'

She looks at me with relief. 'Okay... I'm gay and Luna is my girlfriend.'

I smile and grab her hand in mine. 'I know.'

See you all on Sunday!

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