"You know we cant do that Rory" Regulus stated. "Come on let's get it over with" Regulus sighed extending his arm for Aurora to take.

She was hesitant at first but soon realized there was no way out. If she didnt go with Regulus, Tom would come up and drag her down himself. Reluctantly she looped her arm around Regulus's and let him lead her down the grand hallway.

She could feel her heart thumping so loudly she feared Regulus could hear it. She felt for sure the paintings were all staring at her, there disgusted glares turning to ones of soft sympathy for this poor young girl who was being forced into a line of evil.

"By the way I went to Norway. It was rather disappointing" Regulus said trying to lighten the dark heavy mood but Aurora didnt respond.

The pair finally made it to the bottom of the stairs and Auroras stomach felt as if it was being flipped inside out as she stared at the two dark double doors in front of her. She knew behind them stood Tom in the middle of the room, Lucius Malfoy by his side ready to perform the unbreakable vow that would bond Aurora to the sociopathic maniac she would be forced to call her husband. "You look as if your going to be sick" Regulus said softly. "I think I am" Aurora choked.

Regulus thought she was joking till she broke from his arm and started running to the back of the house. She pushed open the first door she saw and thanked merlin it was a bathroom as she began to hurl out what she had eaten yesterday morning.


Tom's head shot to the door as it burst open and in ran a rather concerned looking Regulus Black. "Well? Where is she? Is she refusing to come down?" Tom demanded stepping forward away from the gigantic fireplace behind him. "N-no, no she came down alright but she..." Regulus trailed off still looking rather shocked. "What is it Regulus?" Tom asked urgently.

"S-Shes vomiting" he managed to blurt out. Tom's face scrunched in confusion. "Vomiting?" He repeated "yes, shes in the 2nd bathroom" Regulus said hesitantly as if he was still processing what he had just witnessed.

Antonin burst out laughing. "Oh my God Tom. Y-your Y-your soon to be w-wife is being sick a-at the thought of marrying you!" Antonin laughed holding his stomach.

"Oh shut up Tony the poor girl's sick with nerves!" Domminc snapped hitting his arm but it didnt stop his booming laughter.

"Oh for christ sake Regulus!" Narcissa scolded as she stormed out of the large room barging into his shoulder.

"Vomiting" Tom repeated in disbelief causing Antonin to fall to his knees with laughter.


Aurora tried to look up when she heard light footsteps approaching the bathroom but she couldnt risk raising her head as a another wave of nausea hit her. "Oh you poor dear" she heard the sweet voice of a women that she vaguely recognized.

She was able to look up through the corner of her eyes just in time to see lock of golden blonde before it disappeared behind her and she felt her own hair being lifted away from her face as the rest of her stomachs content came up her throat into the toilet bowl.

After she was finished, coughing and spluttering she excepted the tissue Narcissa had given her to clean her mouth. She stood up and wiped her eyes. "Thanks" she muttered to Narcissa flushing the toliet. "Here" Narcissa said handing her a small cup of mouth wash she had accioed.

After Aurora had cleaned up and exited the bathroom Narcissa by her side. "Why dont we go to the kitchen and have some tea before we go see the rest? I'm sure the can wait an extra 15 minutes" Narrissa smiled placing a hand on Auroras shoulder.

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