"Alright, in 45 then. I'll see you."

"See you, Hailey. Bye." I said then dropped the call.


What just happened? 

Why did I agree to breakfast with Hailey? 

I grabbed a pillow over my head and groaned. First date conversations with her are insufferable.

Oh, what the hell. I'll just suffer the consequences later.

I got out of the bed and got ready for Hailey and I's breakfast date. I seem to be entangled in dates lately.

*       *       *

I  decided to just walk to the café. It's no big deal, it's only a  20-minute walk from my apartment. I put my shades on as I walked down the steps of my apartment building and into the street with my earphones plugged, playing Guerilla Radio by Rage Against The Machine, feeling like a badass in an all-black outfit.

Hailey was sitting at one of the café's outdoor tables – a two-seater with a  big light brown umbrella in the middle. This café in New York is such an oxymoron. Normally, people in this city will just come and go for coffee, grab and run; but this coffee shop is different. The way it's set up, you'll feel like you're in France – well, sans the idyllic environment. Here we have boisterous car horns and casual F-bombs.

"There you are," Hailey said as I got to her table.

I placed my phone on the table then rolled up my earphones as I sat in front of her, "I'm sorry I'm late."

She shrugged, "5 minutes isn't a big deal."

"I can see that you've already ordered," I said, looking at the coffee and bagel in front of me.

"Well, it's your usual and I thought I'd save us some time. I'm sorry, is it okay with you? I can order something else."

"No,  it's alright. It's perfect. So, I guess that means you've already  paid?" I smirked then sipped on my coffee. "Oh my God, you got me PSL?" I  shook my head in delight. "Food really does taste a lot better when  it's free."

She laughed, "Yes! That's how much I want to know everything about your date. I'm willing to pay for your breakfast."

I put the shades over my head. 

Hailey sipped on her coffee. "So, apparently you went to the orchard yesterday."

"Uh-huh," I replied as I was munching on my bagel.

My eyes caught something on Hailey's back. I almost choked.

"Okay, now I really need to know." her eyes were dancing in anticipation.

"No," I replied after I drank some water, still coughing a little bit. "I saw Sheila."

Her brows knit in confusion, "Sheila? Your manager at Steinhouse?"

I nodded then she's about to check behind her.

"Don't look!" I hissed, looking down, covering my face.

"Why are you even hiding? You look ridiculous."

"Sheila is a master of small talk and when she sees me, she'll come over and twist something into making me feel bad about myself. She's the epitome of the holier-than-thou attitude. I swear I've never met someone quite like her."

"Jesus, I forgot about all that. It's a wonder you've endured working with her for a year!"

"For her." I corrected.

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