Chapter 58: Rain Turns To Snow

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Up in the sky, the snow kept falling, burying their footsteps, but not fast enough. Behind them, their pursuers matched their pace, always almost on the verge of catching them. It was timeless, Levi felt the oxygen burning from his veins faster than he could breath it in, his legs shook and he could see Jasmine also struggling now, but neither complained. Air was too important. One man got too close. Jasmine leapt backwards abruptly, twisting around like a cat, her sword swinging in a silver crescent, a reaper's scythe. Levi turned just in time to see the man's body tumble after his head before Jasmine slapped Levi's back.

"Idiot, don't stop!"

The night began to brighten, the all-encompassing darkness yielding to light's sweet embrace, but the warm beams failed to thaw Levi's chilled hands as he ran. Despite the fact that he should be keeping every bit of attention he had on the enemy, his mind began to drift. He remembered the time he had first seen Jasmine's carriage back at Eastrain. The way he had ran to save her, how he had slammed across Eastrain pell-mell to make it in time. Even though he had thought he was dying then, it was nothing compared to this. He ran and ran and the only thing which kept him going was the inexplicable strength of adrenaline and his newfound Reincarnation. I'll protect you. We didn't come all this way to fail. We can't! He wanted to say these things to Jasmine, to tell her he would protect her, but he could scarcely do any more than breath and take the next step. I hope she knows!

"Water!" Jasmine's voice rasped. Levi didn't quite understand what she was asking, it seemed like she was far away, like there was some invisible curtain between them, muffling her voice. "I need water!" She repeated. Shaking his head, he reached down and grabbed his canteen. Tossed it to her. She began to drink while running, pushing up her mask a bit so she could get to her mouth. Levi caught a glimpse of pale skin before she finished. Jasmine held out the silver flask and he snatched it back, raising it to his lips and tossing a few gulps into his mouth before sealing it and stowing it again.

"Stop! We won't hurt you if you come willingly!" A man called from closer than Levi expected and he cursed. They don't quit! Several pairs of footsteps came, the crunching of the snow sending shockwaves through him. Damnit, there's more than one! He sighed, and Jasmine stole a look at him. He saw her tense, getting ready to turn on them. There's too many for her to take this time. I need to buy us time!

He whirled around, his palm crackling. Jasmine shouted out,

"Wait!" But he had already made up his mind. When he turned, his expression was dark as he came face to face with a dozen men at their heels. He raised his hand, white sparks shooting out and the men who were paying attention dived sideways. Others didn't notice in time.

"He's doing it!" One of them screamed but it was too late. Levi unleashed a murderous stream of lightning. He poured every bit of himself that he had left into it, sweeping his hand from side to side. Some of the men he hit, some of them he missed, but all of them went down, fearing for their lives. Smoke rose from the ground. Snow and ice scattered. Levi sagged. I...should have held back more... Jasmine ducked under his shoulder, supporting his weight and he grinned. She smacked him, lightening her blow at the last second as if fearful he would fall.

"I told you to wait!" She said, but looking back, she had to admit. "Well, at least it worked. Try to regain your strength, those guys are not going anywhere any time soon." However, she was soon proven wrong as not minutes later, footsteps caught up again. Jasmine was in disbelief, "This is crazy, they must not have stopped to even take care of the wounded. What did your sister do to make them this loyal? Or are they Peirce's?"

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