Chapter 24: Foreigners

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The door outside jumped with every hit but the lock held. It was strong, made of metal unlike the wooden doors in Eastrain. He heard the foreigners again.

"Damnit, I can't get it open!" One cursed. Then a fumbling of metal.

"This one had keys! Try em!" Another said and Levi heard a jingle and a smack before the rustling of metal keys sliding into the lock drove him into a panic. He scrambled to move, freezing as the lock began to turn slightly. Then it stopped.

"Damnit, why does this guy have so many keys! Ask him which one it is!" The first foreigner cursed again. Levi heard another smack, flesh slapping flesh and a moan.

"He can't answer, you hit em too hard! Just try em all!" The other replied. The first man grumbled.

"There's gotta be thirty of these things goddamnit!" More rustling and Levi knew he was running out of time. He managed to get his feet on the ground. Though he felt weak, at the same time, the cold floor on the bottom of his feet felt good. He found his boots and sword under the bed, as well as his shirt which appeared to have been washed by someone. Slamming his feet into his shoes, he threw the shirt on over his head, expecting terrible pain when he raised his arms, but though his chest and right arm burned, it was bearable. How can I be so...well? I guess I can't complain! Levi turned to Jasmine, who was still stirring, and looked around the room. Endless metal cabinets, half-filled with white pill bottles and surgical tools. There was a large black plastic waste bucket in the corner. No other exits. Not good!

"Okay Jasmine...I'm sorry. Just stay put, I'm going to get you out of here!" Levi whispered to her but she still was under. He tried to lift her but then the door rattled. One of the men outside crowed.

"Think I got it!" The foreigner shouted and the door began to open. "Ugh, think we broke it, give me a hand!" Levi frantically looked at the door then at Jasmine. There's no way...I got to hide! He ran with his sword, dashing to the black bucket in the corner of the room and stepped inside, crouching down below the rim. Not a second later, he heard the door open, and footsteps as two men entered the room.

"There she is. Grab her!" One yelled. The footsteps came closer and Levi heard Jasmine moan.

"N-No, I won't go back. Please, you can't take me." She cried out, still asleep. Just hold on Jasmine, I'll get you. Just hold on! Levi begged in his mind. One of the men seemed confused.

"What's wrong with her? Why's she saying that? Look at her eyes, she's not even awake!" He said. The other man grunted.

"The one outside said there was someone ill. Critical or something. Maybe she's sick." He said. Levi heard a slapping noise, and Jasmine shrieked. "Yep, she's really out. Damnit, we have to take her back, Boss won't be happy about this."

"You can say that again. Better hope she wakes up on the way." Levi heard the men hoist Jasmine up and start to drag her from the room. As the footsteps got to the door, he tensed, readying his hands on the sword. It's now or never. Just move Levi, don't think about it, just do what Jasmine taught you!

He lifted his head over the edge of the bucket. Saw the two men holding Jasmine's limp form between them. They had their backs to him as they left. He carefully lifted one leg over the side. Soundlessly, he brought his other leg out of the bucket with only a slight rustle. Them he raised his sword and ran forward with all his might! Come on then! LET'S GO!

His thundering footsteps came out of nowhere. The men couldn't react fast enough with Jasmine on their shoulders. They started to turn but were awkward, too slow. Levi targeted the one on the right first. Before the man could do much more than turn his head, Levi was close enough and he lunged, plunging his sword into the man's back. It was hard, Levi didn't get the blade all the way through the man's leather armor. He realized now why Jasmine always went for the neck. But Levi was strong, and the sword worked. It slid through halfway stabbing the man and he collapsed, pulling the sword down with him as Jasmine tumbled to the floor. The other man swore, reaching for his side trying to grab his own sword in its scabbard.

"What the-what've you done!" The foreigner yelled as he tried to work his blade free. Levi also tried to pull his own sword out of the screaming man on the ground. By the time they both had their weapons out, Levi was terrified, facing a warrior face to face. But he knew he couldn't quit. I may not have a Reincarnation, but I need to beat him, or he'll take Jasmine!

"Die!" Levi yelled as he pressed forward. The other man's eyes went wide. One step forward, one cut. The man parried, clearly trained. Without the element of surprise, Levi's cut was just that, a mere cut and he didn't have any follow up. His sword was batted out of his hand by the foreigner's deflection and panic filled him as he knew he had to do something now before the man's sword came back around and killed him. No choice!


Levi ran in and rammed the man with his shoulder, taking them both to the ground. He ignored the man's sword, clinging close to him, hoping that he wouldn't be able to stab him when they were so close. Then he rained down his fists from above, trying to bash the man into unconsciousness. The foreigner fought back, grabbing him and clinching him tightly. Levi was pulled down on top of the enemy, too close to hit him. He kept struggling, but gradually, the man's superior strength and training began to show. A split second and the man somehow managed to flip Levi over, ending up on top. He raised a gloved fist, a dagger in his hand. Levi frantically threw up his palms to try to grab the knife but the man simply punched him with his other hand, the fist careening into Levi's temple. Levi's arms dropped like limp noodles as ringing filled his ears and the coppery taste of blood touched his tongue.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" The foreigner screamed as he held the knife over Levi, declaring his victory. "You killed em, you killed my bro!"


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