Chapter 34: Sick

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Over the next week and a half, Levi grew strong. Well, perhaps strong was the wrong word for it. Rather, he grew experienced, learning from battles with the strange mutated monsters of the Shatterstorms. Over time he slowly began to grasp exactly what his Reincarnation was capable of. What he was capable of. Now, when he fought beasts, he could make his blade dance with surges of lightning at will. However, no matter how he tried, he could never figure out how to summon a bolt of lightning to strike his enemies down like the first time he had saved Jasmine. Always, he needed to use his sword or some tool to conduct the flow, but even still, the knowledge that he had a trump card made him confident. At times, it made him too confident, and Jasmine had to step in to save him against some strange new beast, but as the days went by, Levi began to take on more and more of the fighting, and Jasmine just watched. He thought it was because she was giving him a chance to train, certainly she said very little, except to give a tip here or there, but he noticed her holding her arm sometimes, and suspected it wasn't quite healed yet. That is...until she collapsed.

"Jasmine, I don't know if we should go to...JASMINE!" Levi's brain went blank as he heard then saw Jasmine's body on the ground. She was weak, her eyes blinking desperately, searching for clarity, and he watched her spasm, each kick of her legs sending flutters through his heart. What's wrong with her! "JASMINE!" He ran back to her, suddenly remembering how Jasmine used to lead the way, but lately had been letting him walk in front. Damnit, I missed the signs, she must have been hiding something!

"Are you sick?" He asked frantically, checking her over and feeling her forehead. Her breath was raspy and even before he put his fingers on her he felt a terrible heat on his hand. "You have a fever!" Jasmine tried weakly to push his hand away. Mid-push she seemed to forget that he even existed. Her hand fell to the ground, opening and closing weakly atop the dirt. Levi stared at her, trying to puzzle out what was wrong through the rising panic. The only thing he could think of was her arm. He checked it over. It's been so long though...Oh no! He saw blood seeping through the edge of the bandage, and immediately went to unwrap it.

"I'm okay! I'm okay!" Jasmine kept repeating blearily, completely oblivious to what was really happening. Levi ignored her and kept unwinding the bandage until he got a good look inside. He felt a jolt of panic run through him as he beheld the true extent of the damage. The cut had festered. Her skin was pale, her blue veins seemingly enlarged and swollen, practically popping out of the flesh. He could see pus forming, diseased mucus spreading from the wound. He grimaced as fear wracked his insides. don't know what to do! Please, someone help!

"Jasmine, you're sick! Really sick!" He said to her, not expecting her to hear.

"I...I know. I'm sorry, Levi, I guess I was the weak one, huh?" Jasmine replied, her voice so weak he wanted to cry. How did I not notice this? HOW?!

"I'll get you help! You don't need to walk! We're close to the city, you got me out last time, I'll carry you the same way. Just sit tight, I remember how you did it!" Levi jumped to action having decided on a plan. Jasmine just laid there on the ground while he worked, and that scared him more than anything. The girl he knew was always moving, always efficient, working towards a goal. That she was willing to lie there and wait for him was terrifying. Jasmine, please be okay!

"Levi, it's going to be dangerous. Maybe those men we killed were the only messengers, but it's hard to say. You have to treat everyone in Daya as a potential enemy, they could all be out to get me. If you need to...leave me behind. Informing my father is more important..." Jasmine stayed practical even in her half fever-dream state, but Levi was having none of it. "A-Are you listening, Levi?" Levi didn't answer. He waited until he had some sort of sled constructed, and brought it to her, placing her on it. After he secured her, he leaned over her flushed face.

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