Chapter 42: Empty

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His fingers were completely numb at this point. Now that the burning feeling of lightning had left them, they were empty, lifeless. But he still held his sword. After a hasty few breaths of the ice cold air, he charged through the storm. Blinking the ashen flakes from his eyes, he followed the trail in the snow. Levi tried to keep an eye out for Peirce who was still out there somewhere in the dark, but truth be told, he was spent. If Peirce attacked him right now, he would not have been able to react. His feet were like leaden blocks, even inside his sturdy boots, the one thing he could feel was how painful his frozen toes were rubbing against the hard leather. It was an odd mixture of burning heat and cold which he used to stay awake. Then he heard a faint cry on the wind.

"Stop!" Jasmine's voice ignited something inside of Levi. He ran like he had never run before in his life, plowing through the snow like a beast. I'm here! I'm here! He called in his heart, wishing she could hear him. Her cries led him straight to her, and the last man. Unfortunately, his mad dash hadn't been silent.

"Peirce! Is that you! Thank the Raingods, I don't know the way! What happen-" The man's words cut off as he saw Levi step out of the swirling snow. His energy spent, Levi's sword no longer blazed with lightning, but even still the naked cold steel reflected in the moonlight dangerously. "!" The man threw up his hands desperately. "Don't kill me!"

"..." Levi stalked closer, gripping his sword with both hands. He saw Jasmine on the sled, by the horse. Her screams made him want to run to her. "Get. Back." Levi growled at the last man, who immediately glanced back at Jasmine before nervously facing Levi. He eased himself away from the sled, stepping to Levi's left slowly and carefully.

"I...I take her! Just don't hurt me, I'm just a doctor!" The man reached into his coat and Levi tensed. Shrieking a bit in fear, the man fumbled, and slowly, very slowly brought out a blue uniform inside. "He threatened my family, I'm sorry I broke my vows but it was her or mine and he promised me she wouldn't be harmed!" The man was practically crying at this point. Levi wasn't sure what to do. I can't trust him. He could just be saying this to get away. And if he realizes how tired I I tie him up? I don't have anything to tie him with. Do I have to kill him? I can't escape fast. Even with a horse...I don't even know where the hell we are. They were going somewhere. I can take his clothes. Make a fire. Daya's too far back, and there's no way I could fight through the forest again with Jasmine. What do I do?

"Lie down." Levi commanded, his tone brooking no argument. The man hesitated for just a second, but one look at his sword and he laid down on his hands and knees. "On your stomach!" Reluctantly, the man lowered himself onto his belly, his face turned sideways to watch Levi in the snow. With a tired look around, Levi swiftly ran in. Keeping a careful eye on the man, he put down his pack, unpeeled one hand from his sword, and rummaged inside. It took too long, his frozen fingers refused to work, but eventually he managed to pull out some rope. As fast as possible, he stuck his sword in the snow and planted a knee in the man's back. Pulled back the doctor's arms and tied his wrists together. Then the man's ankles. The entire time, the man didn't attempt to fight back and Levi almost felt bad. He turned him around so he wasn't lying with his face in the snow. But that was the extent of Levi's mercy.

"T-Thank you!" The man whispered as Levi left him for Jasmine, who had quieted slightly. "She won't wake. But neither will she stop screaming. Peirce made me drug her. It's too much. I don't even know how she's still alive. But you'll never get her to wake up until it wears off. I'm sorry!" The man said sadly. Levi felt rage burn through him at his words, but he was so tired he didn't care. He left the man in the dirt, picked up his sword, and went to Jasmine, keeping watch for Peirce all along the way. Snow had begun to build up on the blankets, but he could see the white of her mask peeking out from underneath. Levi came to her, dropping his sword as he unwrapped her, trying to see if she was okay.

"Jasmine? Jasmine! It's me, Levi! I got you. You're drugged, but you're going to be okay!" Levi said though he was completely unsure what was going on. Her left arm bracer was askew. When he checked underneath, a jolt of adrenaline rushed through him. What the hell! Various needle marks ran along the entire length of her arm, even up under her sleeves. A few were fresh, scabs formed on top, but there were countless more that had healed over into ugly scars. What in the world? Jasmine? What happened to you!

"Levi...Levi...he's got me...I can't get away! I can't wake up! He's going to make me help him! Make him stop!" Jasmine moaned, and Levi shook at the pain in her voice. He touched her, his fingers feeling swollen like overly puffed sausages. Hints of darkness pulsed at the edges of his vision, but something prevented him from entering her dream this time. He could sense her panic, her confusion, it was blocked by some great wall. The drug maybe? He turned back to the man on the ground, angry.

"What did you give her! TELL ME!" Levi was ready to beat the man. The doctor was aghast,

"I...I it was just something to help her sleep! Please, he made me do it, it's the only thing which works after the Calamity!" He shrieked. Levi was in no mood to listen to his pleas.

"WHAT WAS IT!" He took a step towards the man. Then he froze. He heard fast footsteps behind him. Levi turned, catching sight of a blurry Peirce with his sword in hand, just a dozen feet away, a wicked shadow he could barely see. A cold playful voice came,

"Oh, little boy. I've beenwatching you. You haven't been using that wonderful lightning of yours. I thinkyou've run out of energy, haven't you? Tired?" Peirce crooned as he realized hehad been seen. Despite his confident voice, Levi could see his wary eyeswatching Levi's hands. Damn. Damn! Levi tried to summon the lightning tohis blade at least, put on a show if nothing else. A few sparks danced alonghis blade but were soon extinguished by the snow. "Oh yes...oh yes. You're empty.But I'm not!"

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