Chapter 12: Old Scars

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Levi's cheek stung. He stared in disbelief as Yoro expressionlessly lowered his palm.

" hit me." Levi whispered. The tavern master shrugged.

"And I'll do it again if you stay under my roof and eat my food and talk back. I'm sorry Levi, but you have to give up on this. When I took you in, you were broken, burnt, crazy. I gave you a place to stay, food to eat, and lord knows Yuna cares for you so I won't turn you away, but you NEED to learn. The world isn't some great fantasy. You're not some hero on a quest, the Capital doesn't care one whit about anything except who the next Emperor will be. You're just a Reincarnationless orphan. If you don't learn to treat customers nicer, I don't know how long I can keep you around." Yoro's face grew sad, but it was Levi who couldn't take any more. Something inside him snapped.

"I'm leaving. Two years I've wasted here, doing dishes, watching over your tavern. But I'm not your son. I wish I could stop and take over this place for you so you can retire, but I have something I NEED to do. I can't stay. I can't Yoro! I have to go!" Levi ran out the backdoor, leaving Yoro behind. Before the old creaky door could bang shut, he heard Yoro's wife, Yuna call out.

"Wait Levi! Damnit you old codger, what have you done this time! He didn't mean it Levi, come back!" However, Levi was already gone. He dashed away across town, ignoring the looks he got from the other inhabitants of Neida. After two years his body had grown powerful, completely unlike how it had been in Eastrain. Though he was still skinny, his muscles did not tire even when he accelerated to top speed. At the edge of town, he stopped. A sign and an empty dusty road stretched out into the distance. It branched out to the cities of Ceird, Defairn, and supposedly from some of the cities beyond, you could reach the capital. But no one in Neida had ever gone out much farther than a town over. Levi had tried when he first arrived. Broken and burned, he had somehow, miraculously wandered into Neida, though Neida was so far away from the Yura that the townspeople had never even heard of Eastrain. After Yoro had fed and clothed him, Levi had tried to leave, to warn the capital. But it had been a naive endeavor. He looked down at his left arm. A gleaming white scar cut across it, from his wrist to his elbow. A reminder that he was lucky to still even have an arm.

"I...I can make it this time." He shuddered as he remembered the yellow eyes in the night. A Direwolf had found him in the dark. At the age of 12, he had been small, perfect prey. It had almost taken him then. Only by sheer luck had he managed to tear his arm from its teeth and escape back to Neida. He hadn't dared to leave the town's borders again. It's three days from here to Ceda. There's no way to cross without spending the night. But if I go alone...and the Direwolves find me sleeping...

He banished the thought from his mind. The savage feeling of teeth in his flesh lingered as he tried to step past the town limits. Levi thought about staying in Neida. Yoro's getting old. He just wants someone to help run the place. A successor. Could I be that? A tavern owner like him? But the River Guardian...Elder Shisshion said that it wouldn't be able to hold back the Deathless City's men forever. This place, it might seem far but it's close to the border. One day, when they break through, what then? It'll all be overrun.

"None of this will matter if I don't warn the capital." Levi gritted his teeth. Tried to take a step out past the rocks which marked the town's boundary. His leg trembled, the muscles in his calves fluttering. Fear clouded his mind, and his hands began to shake. In the distance, he swore he could hear it. " it's not real!"


He couldn't tell if the howls were real or not. But even if they weren't, his fears were. They reminded him that he was a nobody. Reincarnationless, even more defenseless than a boy like Jonah. He remembered that night, his burnt-up lantern, the ink of his wish flaring up into smoke. I wish I had a Reincarnation. Maybe I'd be a great warrior. Or some mystic who could just destroy my enemies with a wish. Or even a Potter. Or a Fisherman. Anything but nothing. Instead, I'm just...just Levi.

"I...I can't do this. Not...not today. Tomorrow. I'll leave tomorrow." Levi groaned, his cowardice getting the best of him. "I...I need supplies right? Can't just go off and leave without them. I'll...I'll prepare today and tomorrow I'll leave. Promise. I'm sorry Elder Shisshion. It's been two years. One more night in Neida won't hurt. The River Guardian can hold out for that long, right?"

Feeling ashamed for the second time that day, Levi started to turn back to the tavern. A pit of despair formed in his stomach at the thought of facing Yoro again. I don't want to see him. But if I don't, I won't have anywhere to stay tonight. Ugh, maybe I'll just sleep on the street. He walked around in circles, unable to make up his mind. Before he knew it, the sun had set and nightfall came, the darkness causing him to shiver as he realized how cold it had gotten. I can't sleep out here tonight. But when I return Yoro will be furious. He might hit me again. He's never done that before...

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