Bella walked towards Dr. Selvig. He was working on one of the machines.

"Mr. Selvig? Where is my Uncle?"Bella asked Selvig.

"The Hawk? In his nest", Selvig said.

"I hope he doesn't mind a visit from the Eagle", Bella said. She climbed up the rope and sat next to Clint. "Hawkeye", she said.

Clint smiled at her. "Eagle", he said. Bella looked down at the working agents.

"Barton, report", Fury said through his comm.

Clint stood up. "Looks like the Eagle is taking over the nest", Bella said. Clint laughed.

"Don't get too comfortable. I'm coming back", Clint said before he rippled down the rope.

Bella was joined by Lavinia. "Hey, Hawk girl", Lavinia said.

"Eagle", Bella corrected.

"The place is busy. Is it always like that?" Lavinia asked. Bella nodded. "How long until you start trusting me?"

"It's not you. I just have trust issues",Bella said. "I get it from my mom. So tell me more about your place. Why did you leave Asgard?"

"It's...complicated", Lavinia said. Before Bella could ask, the Tesseract created a portal. Lavinia and Bella stood.

A kneeled figure came from the portal. He stood with a unkind smirk. Lavinia knew who this man was. "Dad", she said. Bella looked at her in shock.

"You mean, Loki? The God of Mischief? That's him?" Bella asked. Lavinia nodded. "I thought you said he was dead".

"I-I thought he was dead".

"Sir, please put down the spear", Fury said. Instead of dropping the scepter, Loki stabs S.H.E.I.L.D agents with it. They shot at him with their guns, but the bullets bounced off of him.

Bella and Lavinia kneeled down so they wouldn't be seen. "We need to get you out of here", Lavinia said.

"What about Uncle Clint?" Bella asked.

"Trust me. Your life is worth saving",Lavinia said. Bella looked at her in confusion. What did she mean by that?

Bella saw Loki walk towards Clint. Before she could react, Lavinia puts her hand over Bella's mouth.

"You have heart", Loki said to Clint before he puts the tip of the scepter towards Clint's chest.

Clint puts his gun back in his weapon belt. "There's nothing we could've done", Lavinia said.

"Please don't", Loki says. He turns around to face Fury, who has the Tesseract in a briefcase. "I still need that".

"This doesn't have to get any messier",Fury says.

"Of course it does. I've come to far for anything else", Loki said.

"What does he mean by that?" Bella whispered to Lavinia.

"I don't know", Lavinia whispered back.

"We have no quarrel with your people", Fury said.

"An ant has no quarrel with a boot",Loki said.

"Are you planning to step on us?"

"I come with glad tidings of a world made free", Loki said.

"Free from what?"


Bella and Lavinia looked at each other. "I don't understand. He was never like this", Lavinia said. "The father I always knew was good".

"He just took over my uncle's mind. Whoever you think he is, that's not him anymore", Bella said.

"Yeah, you say 'peace'. I kind of think you mean the other thing", Fury said.

"Sir, Director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow and drop a hundred feet of rock on us", Clint said.

Lavinia looks at Bella. "And we're still in here", Lavinia said.

"And so are the other S.H.I.E.L.D agents", Bella said. "We need to get out of here. We need to warn Hill and Coulson".

Bella and Lavinia snuck out of the room. They heard a shot from Clint's gun which caused Bella to look back.

"Bella, come on", Lavinia called out. Bella looked back at Lavinia. That was the first time she used her real name.


Bella and Lavinia ran towards Maria Hill. "Agent Hill", The girls called out in unison.

"Hey guys. What's going on?" Maria Hill asked. Before they could say anything, Loki, Clint, Selvig and another agent walked out of the lab.

Lavinia avoided eye contact with her father. Bella looked at Loki. There was something familiar about him. Loki looked at her as he and his crew walked pass. He thought there was something familiar about her. Bella looked at Maria Hill.

Her thumb on her right hand was placed next to her left eye. She pointed at Loki with the other hand.

Bella made up symbols that would tell someone if a person was good or bad. Right thumb next to the left eye meant bad and left thumb next to the right meant good.

Hill looked at Clint. "Who's that?" She asked, referring to Loki.

"They didn't tell me", Clint said.

"Where are you going, Uncle Clint?"Bella asked.

"They didn't tell me that either", Clint said. "I'll be back before you know it, Hawk".

"You're the Hawk. I'm the Eagle", Bella says. Clint turned around to look at her.

"Barton has turned", Fury said through the walkie talkies. Bella, Hill and Lavinia moved out of the way of Clint's gun fire.

Loki and mind controlled agents drove off in a jeep. Maria Hill went after them.

Bella and Lavinia ran into the lab, where they found Fury. They followed him to a helicopter. They all got on.

They got out of the building right before it exploded. The helicopter flew towards the jeep.

Fury shot at the jeep. The helicopter was blast out of the sky. The three of them jumped out of the helicopter.

When Loki looked back,  he and Lavinia made eye contact just before she, Bella and Fury landed on the ground.

Fury stood from the ground. Coulson and Hill contacted him through the walkie talkie. Lavinia helped Bella off the ground.

"Don't worry. We'll get him back",Lavinia said. "I promise".

"Coulson, get back to base. This is a level 7. As of right now, we are at war", Fury said. Bella and Lavinia exchanged uneasy looks.

"What do we do?" Coulson asked through the comms. Fury looked at the girls.

"What do you girls say about joining the Avengers Initiative?"

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