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W by WATTPAD has acquired the publishing rights to TIME AND TIDE!

Publication is scheduled for fall 2024, so make sure you're following both me and W by Wattpad on your favorite social media platform for announcements, cover reveals, and giveaways.

You can also head to my website at jmfrey . net / books to get a current list of all the places you can preorder the book.

Thank you all so much for enthusiastic support and love of the novel, and for being so into Jessie and Margaret's tale. And when you get a copy, please, please, please consider leaving a review on Amazon, GoodReads, on the website for your favorite book retailer, and/or sing this book's praises on social media. Word-of-mouth reviews really, honestly do sell books, and I would love to be able to continue to tell stories as a vocation.

Thank you all so much, and happy reading!

--J.M. Frey


Art by Tishawish

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