Chapter Six - Keefe

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Sophie was back. Keefe could vaguely feel her emotions going haywire, every which way.

His heart lifted from the brinks of complete emptiness – that void where nothing returned – and returned to that crazed mindset he'd lived through for the past... how long was it now?

Were stripes on sheep? Did whiteboard marker stain? Who was Jack?

Faster and faster his mind raced, jumping from one thought to the next.

Fairies were fake. Sticky notes were lifesavers. Doughnuts were way too good.

Shuffled, puzzled, muddled. What had he been thinking?

Flowers smelt nice. Exclamation marks were useless. When would this end?

When would this end? The question jerked him out of his uncontrollable daze. When would this end?

He had been in this crazed state for much longer than he would have liked. And though he was totally looking forward to wake up and see the looks on everyone's faces, the worry and nausea Foster was throwing around so much was definitely something he wanted to spare her any more of.

He needed to do something to help her. But his mind just couldn't focus enough to make a plan.

Until he was shocked. Literally. As a wave of energy ran through him, all his thoughts molded together in a way he didn't understand – but was grateful for. They fizzed, and fumbled, and jerked, and jumbled, and melded, and crumbled, and jostled, and scrambled together, rising up an eternity later in a restored, complete state.

His heart beat. His mind was awake. His hands were warm.

He was back.

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