"You're exaggerating," I said.

"Are we? The boy literally forcibly dragged you out of the water and into the woods. I was sure he was going to rip your arm off at some point. And if that wasn't enough, he was yelling at you and doing who knows what before we got there. And like icing on the cake, he almost beat the shit out of Luke!" At that point, she was practically shouting.

"I'm not so sure that that would be a case," I muttered. To some extent, I felt guilty because I said that, but it was true. If there was a fight, Mateo would most likely win, but Luke wasn't weak by all means, he would definitely put up a fight.

"That's not the point! He's obviously aggressive as fuck, who knows what he would do to you! "

"He never hit me!" I said quickly. That wasn't a complete lie. There were critical moments when he showed his aggressive side, but he had never hit me. And I was sure he wouldn't, or at least I hoped.

"Maybe not, but that doesn't mean that he won't!" Emma snapped.

"You have prejudices, you don't know him!" I was slowly beginning to lose my patience.

"Then why were you worried about me?" Sara asked suddenly.

"What?" I looked at her in confusion.

"When I tried to pull them apart, T, why were you so desperate to get me out of there and protect me from him? You were about to come to my aid but Lena and that other girl stopped you. "

"I ..." I tried to find something that would justify my actions, but It was in vain.

"Don't you dare deny it, I saw it in your eyes, It was obvious."

"Bravo, do you want applause?" I rolled my eyes.

"Tara, you're not listening!" Emma said in an almost desperate voice.

"Judging by the pain in my eardrums, I am."

"Sarcasm is not the answer, you know?"

"You do not say?"

"I give up. Do what you want, but don't come to me later and cry when he hurts you," Sarah said angrily and started walking out of the tent, but she suddenly stopped and, after a few moments, she turned in my direction. "Okay, you can come to me but know that the blood will be spilled if that shit happens," After she said that, she turned around and walked out, with Emma hot on her heels. I couldn't help but laugh. Her statement made me feel happy. As angry as she was, I knew I could always count on her. She was a friend that everyone should have.

"T..." I jumped a little when I felt Lena's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked at her. She seemed like she was extremely worried. For the first time in forever, I had a feeling that I was looking at my old best friend. "I know you don't like it when they attack you like that, but, as hard as it is for me to agree with Sarah, they are right. The way they approached the situation is wrong, yes, but they're worried about you."

"I know L, but you don't understand, Mateo is my boyfriend ..." I started but she interrupted me.

"I know he is, but you are our best friend who is obviously blinded by whatever he's doing. However, I know that the moment will come when you will truly see the reality and when that happens, don't despair. As much as I was a bad friend these previous weeks, I'll be there to pick up every single broken piece of your heart and mend them, and then, it'll be whole again, as it should be till the end of times." She kissed my forehead and left.


I put on the last layer of bright red lipstick and was finally ready for the party. The music could already be heard coming from the shore and I was quite excited to join the party. I wanted to forget about what had happened, at least for a while, and I was pretty sure that alcohol combined with dancing could help me with that.

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