Chapter 22

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Charlotte's POV

"Don't cry Char, I haven't been gone that long." Becky jokes. "Baby, you've been gone for almost a month." I say to her. She nods. "I know, but I was still with you. She grabbed my hand, and stared down at the bracelet on my wrist. "We were still with each other." She whispers. "Hey Becky, did he ever hurt you?" I ask. I knew she probably didn't want to talk about what happened there but I just needed to know. She looked at our hands for a second before looking back up at me. "Yes but only once." I sighed. "Becky I love you." "I love you too." She takes a deep breath. "So Sasha's really hurt huh?" "She's torn apart." I say. "I have to call everybody and tell them you awake. I'll be right back." I kiss her forehead and leave the room. 

Just as I start to make calls, I run into Bayley. "What are you doing here?" She shrugs.  "Just because I got released from the hospital doesn't mean I'm not going to visit Becky everyday like I used to." She says. "Becky doesn't want to see you." I tell her. "How do you know that. She's still in a coma." She spats. "Actually wise ass, Becky woke up a little while ago. She knows everything that happened today and she doesn't want to see you." "Did she actually say that or are you just saying that because you're mad at me." "She didn't have to say it, you hurt her little sister. Who would want to see the person who broke their sister's heart?" "Ugh I didn't break her heart. She'll get over it. Isn't she the careless one." "But she cared about you. She cared about you enough to search for you, to promise your grandmother that she would protect you and love you no matter what. Sasha cried every night because she was afraid that you had died, she yelled at Roman because he messed up once, and she beat your dad up to the point where he had no choice but to surrender and tell us where you were, and she did it by herself. She fell in love with you and you let her fall to pieces." I said to her. She looked down ashamed and walked away.

Bayley's POV

After hearing what Charlotte had to say I went back to Alexa's car. "We have to go to San Francisco." I say earning a confused look from her. "I need to visit some family. Please." She nods and start driving. 

A while later we get to my grandma's house. Alexa stayed in the car to let me have this important and private conversation with my grandma. "Bayley, You're safe. Thank god." She says as she hugs me. "Yes I'm fine Gran."  "What happened to your leg dear?" She held my arm and helped me inside. "It's broken. I had to have surgery on my knee too, but I'm okay." I tell her, sitting down on the chair across from her's. "Well as long as you're okay. What brings you to San Francisco Bayley?" "I was actually here to ask you something. A-About this girl. Umm Sasha." I began to feel a bit nervous. "Sasha? Oh you must mean that lovely girl with the purple hair." I smile and nod. "Well She's just the most darling girl ever. She came by to ask me about your past. I told her everything. Hearing about what happened to you broke her heart. Why are you asking about her?" I took a sharp breath. "Well Gran, after Sasha and our friends saved Becky, Mom, and Me, we broke up." 

"What'd you do?" She asked. The tone in her voice made it seem like she wasn't all that shocked. "What makes you think I did something?" I ask. "Bayley when you lived here you had three girlfriends. First it was Mandy, then Kairi, then Io, all three were broken and scorned, all three in search for love and affection. You always hid your hurt, you hid it so well that you had forgotten your hurt. Your appearance is bright and happy and when people are around you, they feel safe. But when things got too serious, you got to scared and ran. The minute you saw that those girls were in love with you, you ran." I looked down ashamed. "But you never knew why.... This time you do, you're in love too and it made you finally understand why you ran away from the first three." She says this time in a more comforting voice. "I ran because I was scared to hurt them." I said my voice cracked every other word. Gran nodded. "But little did you know you did hurt them. You broke their hearts by running away. Three different girls, three different times." "I wasn't trying to." I said. "I was trying to protect them. I didn't want them to get hurt by losing me." Tears ran down my cheeks. "Mistakes are here to be made. You were younger then, you've matured. But Bayley please don't make that mistake again, You could lose another amazing girl." Gran begged. I wiped my tears away and and hugged my grandma.

Sasha's POV

I walked through a hallway of the hospital with my father on my left and my step mom on my right. As we were about to walk into the room Charlotte stops us and asks if she could speak to us privately. "Is Bex okay?" I ask a little worried. "Oh yea she's fine, they're doing some final tests on her right now so she's not in the room. That's not what I wanted to talk to you guys about." She says looking down. She pulled a small box out of her jacket pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and smiled looking at the obviously expensive engagement ring. "I know that I broke Becky's heart almost three years ago but I can't ever see myself with anyone except her. I just wanted to ask for you guys' blessing. She is eighteen and I was planning on asking on her birthday but I started thing about asking on the day of graduation or at prom." Charlotte continued to ramble on about why she should have our blessing until Lily finally cut her off. "Charlotte we love and trust you, This past month has been hard on us but everyday you have proved your love for Becky. Of course you have our blessing." She says smiling. Charlotte's eyes were filled with happiness and relief.

A few more of our friends came and we spent time with Becky until the visiting hours were over.

Bayley's POV

I watched as Sammy walked into the prison visiting room. He smiled at me before sitting down. The table kept us a respectable distance from each other. "Bayley." He said in a rather harsh tone. "Sammy." I matched his tone while gritting my teeth. I didn't bother calling him father or dad. He didn't deserve it. "Look I came for answers that's all I need from you, Okay." He leans back in his chair and nods. "Why'd you surrender?" I asked. "Bayley I never intended on keeping you, I knew I couldn't keep you locked up for that long. Your friends are way too smart for that. I knew it was all over the second the little purple headed one showed up with her friends and the cops. I didn't expect her to damn near kill me but, I got what I knew I deserved." I didn't expect that answer. He was actually truthful. "That girl. The purple haired one.... She loves you." "What?" I give him a confused look. "Don't play dumb Bayley. You know who I'm talking about." He says quietly. "How did you kno-" "Bayley even though your mom changed you're last name you're still a Williams. You look and act just like me. I can read your face. Every time I mention the purple haired girl you have this little sparkle in your eyes. I know you need that assurance. You don't want to lose her, trust me." He cut me off. Sammy's voice was more softer and more sincere. I saw a side of him I haven't seen before... or maybe I just don't remember seeing it. 

"Why'd you do it?" I asked. "Why did you do all that stuff to us." I felt tears forming in my eyes, and of course I made myself choke them back. "People who hurt, hurt other people. I was a quiet kid until I met your mom. She managed to get me out of my shell. Being quiet kept my guard up. I kept me from trusting people and getting hurt. But Olivia would always get what she wanted, and she wanted me. Then she broke my heart.... more than once. I wasn't even sure you were mine until you were five or six. Instead of divorcing her, I hurt her, and you. Neither of you deserved it but my brain does thing my heart doesn't want to happen. I know I'm an abusive psycho but I'm getting help, and you two are safe." The officer from outside knocked on the glass. "I guess time's up." I say as I stand up. "Bayley don't let her go. You and her were meant to be together." Sammy tells me. I smile before leaving. 

Alexa took me back to her house and I stayed in the guest room staring at the ceiling. Today helped me a lot. Everything everyone said starting from this morning was true.  I don't like Alexa, I've never liked Alexa. She was nothing more than a friend. And I did hurt Sasha I wasn't trying to but I did. My Gran was right and so was Sammy. Boy don't I hate to admit that. I have to  get Sasha back.

AN: HI so this took way to long to finish please forgive me but Life is stressful. Anyway Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. Love yall. BYEEEE

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