Chapter 20

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Two weeks later

Alexa's POV

I walk into Bayley's room and find her already in her wheelchair, she had crutches but wasn't didn't want to use them yet. She pulled her bag into her lap then turned to smile at me. "Hey." She says somewhat quietly. "Hey, you ready to go?" I ask. "She nods. "I wanna say go see Becky and my mom first." She tells me. "Sure, if you want. My mom said that we had to be home by five." I tell her. She smiles and wheels herself to the other side of the room to see Becky. Becky was still unconscious but Bayley spent a few minutes everyday talking to Becky, just in case she could hear her. I knew because I spent everyday with her in her room to keep her company. A few days ago she asked me if she could stay in my house for a while until she's better and could take care of herself. Her mom would be in the hospital for quiet while. After a few minutes she came back and smiled. "Can you get my crutches please?" She pointed to the other side of the room. I grab her crutches and we leave to take her to the room. I wait by the door while she talks to her mother. Her mom was awake but she couldn't talk. She moved only a little bit and would smile, nod, or frown to respond to a statement of any kind.

After a while Bayley kissed her mother's cheek and came back toward me. "I'm ready now." She says. "When are you gonna start using your crutches?" I ask her. She shrugs. "Maybe never. I like having a wheel chair. Thanks for making sure I got both by the way. I appreciate it." I smile. "No problem." Some people might think that I'm helping Bayley not only because she one of the hottest kids in our school but because it would it would make me happy to see Sasha hurt after seeing me with Bayley. Well they're almost right. See I might come off as a bad guy but I'm not evil. Sasha and I just have a bad history. We used to be friends in middle school, very close friends. 

Flashback: Sixth Grade San Jose Middle School

I winced in pain when my back collided with the lockers. I curled into a ball as Ruby and Sarah proceeded to punch and kick me. Tears began to fill my eyes and I kept my head down trying not to let them see that I was crying. Suddenly, it all stopped. I hear a painful groan and then some angry talking. I slowly began to look up just in time to see my bullies running away from a small red headed girl. She moved closer to me and rested her gloved hand on mine. "You're okay now." She told me in a soft comforting voice. I knew exactly who she was. She was known for being the superhero of the grade. She protected everyone from the Riott Squad. I didn't know her personally but I knew what she looked like and I knew her name, that was enough. "What's your name?" She asks. "A-alexa." I respond. "Alexa I know your in pain but I need you to tell me if it's a really bad pain. Do you think you need to go to the nurse? Do you need an ice pack or to go home?" I shook my head 'no'. She smiled sweetly and helped me stand up. As soon as I stood up I fell back down and cried. "What's wrong Alexa?" "M-my a-ankle." I cry out. She sets her backpack down and takes mine off, setting it next to her's. 

Before I knew it I was lifted off the ground. Sasha might have had a small figure but she was a strong person. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she carried me bridle style to the nurse's office, where she stayed with me the entire day until my parents came and took me to the hospital. Later that day after school my older sister Mandy walked into my room with a bright smile on her face. "I have a surprise for you." She tells me before stepping to the side. Sasha stepped forward just a little, holding some books, my backpack, and a box of cupcakes. "Hi." She says softly.  I smile at her. My sister leaves and Sasha sits on my bed next to me. "How's your ankle?" She asked. "Bruised but I'm okay." I tell her. She nods. "Well I have homework from your classes, and I brought you some cupcakes." She hands me the box of cupcakes and sets my homework next to me. "Everything's pretty easy when it comes to the work, we've already learned everything." "Thanks." I say. Sasha smiles and hugs me. "I'm gonna go now. I don't live that far away from here so if you need help with anything you or your sister could stop by my house, I'll come and help you. Bye Lexi." She waved and left. I smile. I didn't really have friends and got bullied most of the time and I felt like Sasha and I were slowly becoming friends. 

Sasha and I became very close friends after that day and stayed best friends for two years. Eighth grade was my year and I seemed to have forgotten a lot because of what happened. I walked in to school on the first day ready to begin my eighth grade year. Over the summer I had a big glow up.Sasha was out of town with her dad so I didn't have much of anything to do. I completely transformed and could tell that everyone was shocked by it the second I walked into school. Every person stared at me, my blonde hair now had pink tips and, my look completely updated. I  walked around the hall looking for Sasha and couldn't find her. I just assumed that she wasn't here yet. 

My sudden change got a lot of attention and I ended up becoming really popular. A week later I walked in to school expecting the attention I had gotten the past week but everyone was focused on someone else. I continued down the hall until I found the source of the attention. At first all I saw was a flash of magenta hair until someone moved and I saw that the magenta hair belonged to none other than the Sasha Banks. She continued to wear her dark clothes and act rebellious even though she still protected all the other kids. No one expected her to glow up like this and yet she did. 

After a few hours all the fuss about Sasha died down and most of the attention was back on me. I was kind of mad at Sasha because she stole my attention but I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to come off as a brat honestly I just wanted my own thing instead of always sharing with Sasha. She didn't really care about the attention anyway so I really didn't know why it mattered so much. That wasn't what tore our friendship apart. Our friendship began to fall apart the minute we met Buddy Murphy. He was the new kid in our school and possibly the cutest new kid we had all year. The second I saw him I immediately started crushing on him. I told Sasha about a week later and she seemed a little dissapointed. After a while Buddy became friends with us, he was closer to Sasha than me but I was okay with that. I continued with my popularity and joined the cheer team. Buddy was on the football team and Sasha joined the art club. Art was one of her hidden talents. 

The year went by fast and soon it was time for the end of the year dance. The eighth grade only dance. I really wanted Buddy to ask me to be his date but I knew he most likely wasn't. Sasha wasn't going to go to the dance. She said it was because the dance was stupid and only the prissy and popular would go anyway, I understood that she never went to any of the dances anyway. A few days before the dance Buddy came walking by with a rose. I smiled at him and he smiled back before walking right past me and to Sasha's locker. He waited until Sasha was directly in front of him and asked her  to the dance. At first I felt bad because I knew Sasha was going to reject him but then I saw her nod and give buddy a hug. I couldn't believe it. Not only did she lie to me about going to the dance but she took my crush, and now she's his date to the dance. 

After Buddy walked away I stormed up to Sasha. "What was that?" I ask. She shrugs. "It was nothing." She tells me. LIES. "You said you weren't going to the dance." "I know I said I wasn't going but Buddy's so sweet and I didn't want to reject him." She says. "He's my crush, wouldn't you rather see your best friend go with the person she likes than with see her all sad and grumpy. Why do you have to take everything from me." I growl. "I don't take everything from you Alexa. It's not like I begged him to ask me. and if you liked him so much why didn't you tell him. You know how to speak." She spats. I roll my eyes. She takes a deep breath and looks at me. "Look I'll tell him I can't go so you can ask him. Will you forgive me." I shake my head. "No" I walk away. Since then Sasha and I haven't been friends. Sometimes I miss her but I didn't need her any more.

Flashback over

I opened the door for Bayley and help her get in the car. All I want is a little revenge that's all nothing bad about that.

AN: Hii.. So Alexa and Sasha have a past oooo. So we have Lexi's side of the story I have a question for yall. Despite the big conflict this story's gonna come to an end soon. I want to know which ending you guys would prefer. 

1: Sasha and Bayley make up before graduation with a surprise. This'll make he story end a lot faster I'm thinking about 5 or 6 chapters 


2: Bayley stays with Alexa and we fast forward into the future where Sasha and Bayley meet again on NXT, and their journey continues. This'll make the story go longer.

Comment on one of the choices to vote on which one you want. Thanks for reading don't forget to vote nd comment. And thanks for 2k reads. I love all my readers. BYEEEEEE

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