Chapter 18

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Sasha's POV.

I watch as my sister is rolled in to the other side of the hospital room. The doctor pulls the curtain to separate both girls. I turn my attention back to Bayley who was unconscious. I grabbed a hold on to her hand and stared at the ring that I slipped on to her finger just hours before. I cry a little remembering what had happened.

Flashback: 3 hours ago.

Ember, A.J, and Paige rush back into the car. "What the-... What happened?" Charlotte asks a little shocked. "He just, left. He left with some sort of weapon or something and I think he's going home." Paige explains. We nod as Ember zips downs the street. She follows a dark red car all the way to this somewhat huge house. She parks across the street and watches as Sammy enters his home. Ember turns and looks at A.J. "A.J did you-" "Send our location to Roman, The twins, Finn, His dad and the rest of the police department? Yep." A.J cuts her off. Ember nods with an impressed look on her face. Few minutes later police cars approach the house. The five of us get out of the car and follow them to the door.  One of the cops knock on the door and Sammy answered. I saw him and my heart stopped. It was him, he was her father, he looked more like her in person than in the picture. 

He let us and the cops in. The five of us stood in the middle of the living as the officers search the room. One of them find a closet with a box full of weapons. Under the box was a folder. He hands me the folder and my friends crowd around me. I open the folder and almost all the papers were stolen paper work from the files. The rest were pictures of Bayley and Olivia. It looked as if he were stalking them. My blood boiled as we looked through the folder. The twins came inside followed by Roman, Finn and the police chief. I threw the folder down and looked around the room. Sammy seemed to have disappeared. I run around the house frantically and find him in a small room, he turns around and charges at me with crowbar. I move out of the way just as he swings. He turns back around and I punch him. I drag him out of the room and into the living room. Roman and Jimmy try to get me to let him go but I wasn't done with him just yet. I throw Sammy into a wall. He slides down the wall in pain. "WHERE ARE THEY ,YOU ASSHOLE. TELL ME. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO WITH THEM. FESS UP BITCH." I scream. I throw him one more time before kicking him. After a while I calm down and he points to a door looking defeated. Mr. Balor picks him up off the ground and cuffs him. I rush to the door and find a set of stairs. My friends and I run down the stair finding another door and we open it.

 I look around the room. There was a bit of blood in the carpet, a first aid kit, and some clothes. Bayley's clothes. I remember the shirt on the floor because she took it from my closet. I find a closet with a chain on it. Roman went upstairs and came back down with an officer holding bolt cutters. He breaks the chain and opens the closet. Charlotte and I both rush to the aid of our girlfriends as the officer rushes to the aid of Olivia. He uses his walkie talkie thingy to call for three ambulances. The ambulances come and take them to the hospital.

Flashback over

Since then Charlotte and I have been in the hospital. Bayley was in surgery not to long ago and now she was in a coma. Becky's Ambulance broke down before it got to hospital and it took forever the get another one. Both girls had a IV stuck up in their arms. Our friends left to get some food and promised to bring us some. Charlotte walked out of the bathroom and looked at me. I smile weakly and point at the curtain. She smiles back as a tear fall down her cheek. I knew she felt some sort of relief knowing that both Bayls and Bex were safe. I did too. 

I feel Bayley slowly wake up. Her eyes open and she smiles at me. She tries to sit up bit winces in pain as she does. "Hey, just lay down, you don't have to sit up." I tell her. "You've been crying." She says weakly pointing to my face. I wipe my face. "I'm okay, the past couple weeks have been emotional." I say. "Thank you." She whispers. I look at her confused. "For saving me.... us. I honestly thought we were gonna die." Her eyes wondered around the room. "Where's my mom?" She asks. "She's in the room across the hall." I explain. "And my dad?" "Jail. There's going to be a trial soon." Bayley nods and looks at the door. "Can I go see her?" I shrug. "I'm not sure, let's wait for the doctor to finish up with Becky and maybe." "How is Becky?" "I'll find out later." "What happened to me?" I chuckle. "What?" She giggles. "I love how you ask about everyone else before you worry about yourself. It's amazing how you put them before you." I say quietly. She shrugs. "Your leg is broken they had to do surgery on your knee, your ribs are fractured very badly... almost broken, and you have a few stitched up wounds on your back and right side." I explain to her. I watch as her eyes began to fill up with mixed emotions. I saw horror, fear and pain for the most part. "Do you want some water?" I ask trying to take her mind off of what was in the past. She looks at me, smiles, and nods. I leave her room to get her some water.

Bayley's POV

I watched as Sasha left the room. I missed her.  The doctor moves the curtain and walks over to my side of the room. I see Charlotte readjusting Becky's lock necklace and Becky still unconscious. I smile a little at the amount of care she had for Becky. Sasha came back with a cup of water and a pizza box. She sets the water on the table and goes to give Charlotte the pizza. After Charlotte takes to box she comes back, sits next to me and offers me the cup of water. I try to sit up wincing as I do. I take a sip of the water before giving it back to her. "How long have you guys been here?" I ask. She shrugs "Three or four hours." She says. I nod. "Do you want some pizza? The doctor said that you were malnourished. I can ask Roman to get you something else if you want. I know how much the hospital food sucks." She tells me. "I can try to eat some pizza. I'm not sure if it'll stay down or if I can even eat." I say softly. Sasha nods and gets a slice of pizza from Charlotte for me. 

I was able to eat a little and I didn't throw up after. The doctor allowed me to go see my mother but I couldn't walk over there, so he got me a wheelchair. Before going to check on my mom, I sat on my chair and went over to where Becky was. "How is she?" I asked Charlotte. Charlotte shrugs. "She'll be okay. She's dehydrated and malnourished, much like you were, but you seemed to have bounced back a lot.." She tells me. "Well Becky did go from eating a bowl of quinoa for snack everyday to not eating a meal at all for almost a week." I say trying to lighten the mood. She smiles and looks back at Becky. "I just wish she'd wake up. I miss her so much." Charlotte whispers. "She will. She's a lot stronger than you think." I say. Charlotte sniffles and walks over to give me a hug. She pulls away and pats my head. I hear someone sniffle behind me so I turn the chair around to face the person. I see Sasha wipe a tear away. "Come on let's go see your mom" She says, moving behind me to push the wheelchair. "Sasha I can move the chair on my own it's not that hard." I say giggling. "I want to push you." She says. I close my mouth, choosing not to continue the conversation anymore.

I see my mother on the hospital bed, unconscious. She was beat up and bruised, most of her body in bandages. I stared at my mother and cried. I hated seeing her like that and what made me feel worse is that I saw how it happened. My mom often passed out from the brutal beatings. If she hadn't passed out she just sit there all quiet and stare off in space, sometimes I was worried she wasn't breathing. But she is. I would've asked the doctor what was wrong with her just see her was all I could handle right now. Sasha pushed me closer to her bed then grabbed a chair and sat next to me. I leaned my head on her shoulder as she rubbed her are. Taking a big deep breath in I savored the sweet smell of her watermelon perfume. "I know this isn't the best time but I really want to get something off my chest." Sasha whispered. I pushed myself up off her shoulder and looked her in her eyes. Her cocoa brown eyes expressed worry and love. 

Charlotte's POV

"I missed you. I missed, you smile, your eyes, your laugh, I missed everything about you cupcake." I tell a still unconscious Becky, hoping that she can hear me. "I love you so much... so so much." I looked down at my bracelet and smiled. "I haven't been able to take it off since you've gone. I even wore it in the shower, so it's a bit rusted. I'm happy he didn't break your lock."  I smiled and held her hand.

Suddenly, an angry Sasha Banks stomped into the room grabbed her stuff and stomped out. "Uh oh, trouble in paradise I guess." I whisper. I rush out of the room to find Sasha.   But she had already gone. I looked in to Olivia's room and saw Bayley sitting in her wheelchair crying. "What happened?" I ask walking in to the room. She turns around to look at me, then turns back around. "Turns out your not the only idiot." She mumbled. "What did you do?" "She explained everything. Everything about what you did to find me. She told me about her visit to my grandmother, and how before they left my grandma pulled her back and told her about the love she saw in her eyes. Then she looked me in my eyes and said she loved me." Bayley looked at me with tears in her eyes. "She said she loved me and I said okay. I actually said okay. Sasha's not the type to pressure so she nodded stood up and said that she knew I didn't love her back. I shook my head and she left. She was angry wasn't she?" I nodded. "It'll be okay Bayley." I reassure her.

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