Chapter 17

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Sasha's POV

"You're a fucking idiot." I say. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do." Roman defends himself. He came to Charlotte's house this morning explaining what he saw last night. I got angry that he didn't do anything about it. "You see the main suspect in the kidnapping of one of your friends and you just stand there and do nothing. Don't become a police officer." I tell him. "Dude I'm sorry, I was just scared and shocked I couldn't think for a moment." He says. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU SCARED FOR? YOU'RE FUCKING SIX FEET TALL AND STRONGER THAN MOST KIDS YOU'RE AGE. YOU COULD PROBABLY BODY SLAM HIM. HELL I BET IF YOU THREW HIM HARD ENOUGH YOU'D KILL HIM." I scream. "Sasha calm down." Naomi says. "NO, MY SISTER AND GIRLFRIEND ARE MISSING. SCHOOL STARTS NEXT WEEK, BECKY COULD LOSE HER VALEDICTORIAN TITLE OR WHATEVER SHE COULD FAIL THE REST OF HER SENIOR YEAR, SHE MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO GET INTO COLLEGE. AND BAYLEY, MY BAYLEY, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE COULD BE FUCKING HELD HOSTAGE BY HER FUCKING ABUSIVE FATHER, WHO THE FUCK KNOWS WHAT HE COULD BE DOING TO HER. I DON'T WANT TO LOSE THEM." Tears stream down my face. "We won't lose them. We'll find them alive and healthy. Becky will graduate as valedictorian and most likely get into an Ivy League college, and you and Bayley will get married after you graduate college and have a perfect happy family." Carmella said trying to comfort me. Everyone else nodded in agreement. I wipe the tears away.

"I'm sorry for yelling." I whisper. "I just miss them."  "It's okay Sash, We miss them too."  Charlotte pipes up. I turn around and face her. She was looking down at the bracelet on her wrist. The poor girl hadn't taken it off once since Becky and Bayley went missing. It started to rust a little because she kept it on in the shower. I knew that she was dying on the inside. She had just gotten Becky back and now she's gone again. Charlotte tried to put on this tough determined act on but she wasn't fooling me. She really missed Becky. "Roman, what did his uniform look like?" I ask. I decided to stop crying and find Bayley and Becky. I hated seeing one of my best friends fall apart. "It was all blue and he was wearing tennis shoes." Roman says. "Wait, all blue? Like light blue shirt and dark blue pants?" Ember asks. Roman nods. She then looks at Paige and then at me. "What was the emblem on his shirt." The tone in Ember's voice concerned me. "I don't know. Some Magnifying glass or something." Roman says trying to recall what he saw. Ember's eyes light up. "Roman, call Finn, tell him to bring his dad and some backup. "She orders. Finn's dad was the police chief. Shocking right. "Sasha, you, me, Charlotte, and the twins will go to where he works. Nattie, Mella, and Naomi, stay here on the with some of the cops and Mr. Flair. You guys can monitor everything here, Check through files just in case. I know where gonna get there before the cops. Ask Mr. Flair if he can call Sammy's job get his address, that one of the thing missing from his file. He works at Liberty eye wear. We all kind of need a shower so everybody meet back here to go over the plan once more." She demands, Everyone nods and disperses. 

Charlotte's POV

I watch as everyone leaves my room. Once I'm alone I stare at my bracelet and cry. I'd pretended that I wasn't that Becky being gone wasn't taking the world's biggest toll on me. Yes, I was determined to find them, and yes I missed Becky and Bayley a lot, but I hated being seen as weak. I hated being seen crying or vulnerable. I kept my feeling to myself. Being so close to finding the girls made me a little happy inside. I was also a little scared. I didn't know what to expect when I saw them, I had a bad feeling that they were in a less than healthy state. I went to the bathroom and started to take a shower.

After showering and getting dressed I went to find my father. He was sitting in the study looking at his computer. "Everything okay Dad?" I ask concerned by the look on his face. He nods. "Everything's fine dear, just unnecessary business from the city. Pothole here, speed bump there. All of that can wait, we're finding you're friends today right." He says. I nod. "Well trying to at least hopefully we succeed." I tell him. "You will baby. It's a good thing they're taking you, when you find them, you'll probably make it your life mission to protect Becky at any cost. You love her too much to let her get hurt." I look at him shocked. "How'd you know?" He chuckles and shakes his head. "Come on now you'd have to be blind to not see the love you have for her. I knew the moment you told me you told me about Becky that you love her. Actually I suspected it, then when you never stopped talking about her and when I say the way you looked at her that confirmed it for me. You love that girl more than anything else in the world. It's so obvious, Charlie. I honestly think you'd sacrifice yourself if it meant Becky would be protected. She's your cupcake." He tells me. 'Aww I miss my cupcake. I want her to come back.'  

I get in the car with my friends and look out the window as Ember drive to Sammy's job. I wondered how Ember knew where Sammy worked but it wasn't my biggest concern. Ember pull stops driving and turned toward the backseat. "You two stay here." She tells me and Sasha. We both nod and watch as her Paige and A.J get out the car. "You think the know what they're doing?" I ask softly. "Sasha nods. "Believe it or not but they always know what they're doing." She says giggling a little. I smile and look back out the window.

Bayley's POV

I looked at the ceiling of the dark closet, just about ready to pass out. My father hadn't lightened up on the pain at all. Of course he didn't, he hates my mother and I. Becky weakly grabs my hand. We hand't eaten in a while and Becky was slowly deteriorating. She was starved and didn't go to sleep because of how hungry she was. "Bayley, today, is gonna be a good day. For the three of us." She whispers. "How do you know Bex?" I ask. "I can feel it." She smiled a little. I rest my head on the wall.

After a few hours Becky closed her eyes. I knew she was trying to fall asleep. I hear a loud thud on the door and then some screaming coming from upstairs. "WHERE THEY ,YOU ASSHOLE. TELL ME. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO WITH THEM. FESS UP BITCH." The voice says. I recognized that voice. It was an adorable and aggressive Sasha. I hear her slap someone. At first I thought I was hallucinating, but I heard footsteps run toward the closet door. Everything goes quiet as i feel Becky's weak grip tighten a little. I close my eyes as a bright light blinds me. Someone grabs me and holds tight. I saw a whisper of purple before my eyes filled with tears. Something slips onto my ring finger and everything goes black.

AN: Hiii update.... It almost my birthday and I'm a little excited idk why but I am. Don't forget to vote and comment. love yall byeeee

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