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The pouring rain, droplets of water coming from the clouds felt like tears; dripping, gushing down our eyes as we set ourselves into moving on.

"He was a friend to me... a lover, he taught me how to love, trust, and be a better version of myself," Quints' speech moved everyone in the room. She was standing next to Naths' and Rhendall's coffins as she held the microphone with all of her strength. Trying her best to be strong in front of us when in reality we know how devastated she really is inside.

I sat there across her, sat on the cantilever chair with my head down, pinned on the floor as I revisited Naths' and I's memories. I will really miss you brother. I grasped my hand, and closed my eyes as hard as I could trying to hold back my tears. I can't cry. I just can't.

After the mass, and the candles have blown off. The flowers were sat there beside their beds. I set outside, tucking my lips, and my hands into my pocket. Still, weighing my head down.

"France, you're here," a familiar voice spoke in front of me. The tone was a bit shaky, as if that person was also trying his best to keep his emotions intact. Just like what I was doing. When I lifted my head up, I saw a man's molding and anguished face. It was Leron standing across me.

"Yeah. You're gonna take a visit too?" I asked him and he gulped, nodding. "I was planning to," he said.

"Then go inside. There's Quints inside," I instructed and he started at me, not even moving a single inch. "What about you?" He stuttered.

"I'm on my way home. I'll be back later, why?" I said, and again he nodded. "By the way. I haven't seen you visit in the previous days," I turned around to him.

"I was busy," he stated and I walked out. Leaving everyone in the funeral home and getting inside my car. As soon as my body recognised that I was alone in my own bubble, tears started to drop down my chin again. It felt like I was reliving all the moments I lived with him. An endless loop of regrets and pain and just pure agony that I can't escape. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you, to save you, to help you when you needed me the most. I'm sorry. I banged my head on my steering wheel and leaned my head down, crying and crying and crying in repeat. And when I felt sober, I started to drive.

It's been two days since everything unfolded. Rhendall and Nathaniel are now gone. But their memories will live within us. That's what I want to believe in, so that's what I'm going to believe in.

Life is too short to live in such regrets. You'll never know the right time to be happy or sad. You'll never know the right moment to do something. You just have to take the moment, and make that moment the right moment. And love everyone, hate no one. When you love someone, go and settle. If it didn't work, try again tomorrow. Because life is too short to love in hesitation, fear and hate. We just have to love, trust and accept.

A thousand miles journey starts with a single step. And life is a one way ticket journey. This is, Love, Greed And Hate.


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