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As I opened my eyes, I was awakened by a gloomy light piercing through the navy blue curtains over my window. The sky was filled with a monotonous colour of gray, and little hints of a blue lining on corners of the clouds. It was friday, the end of the week. At this point, Quints and I got a little closer than before. That day we walked home together, and now it feels normal. And I just can't go home now without her.

I woke up with my head passed out on the studying table, with last night's empty mug of black coffee sitting beside my weary hand. I realised then that I studied myself to sleep. Man, Bio-30 does wear you out. Now that I think about it, what time is it? And as I opened my phone, my alarm went off. Alerting it's already six in the morning. I woke up a few minutes earlier than my alarm. That's odd. I rubbed my eyes and laid back at the chair. Tilted my head up staring at the ceiling, before finally pulling myself up.

I then dragged myself to the kitchen, took a bottle of cold water from the fridge, and after I drank it. I went straight to the bathroom and got myself ready for the day. I don't know why, but this day feels so slow from the get go. From me getting ready for school up to me walking there felt empty. When I finally made myself down the main halls, I saw Leron on his phone, with his back hunched down on one of the tables.

"What's up?" I tapped his shoulders, and he closed his phone's screen upon turning around to me. "You're early," he said, then I sat beside him.

"What's up with your face?" I grinned, mocking him and trying to get a smile out of his face. Instead, he looked at me with these pairs of distressed eyes. "I'm fucked."

"What do you mean you're fucked," I continued, and he replied to me with a deep sigh after. "I didn't study for Bio."

"Oh you're fucked," I repeated and he brushed her hands, as if he was sweeping the air. "Nah, forget it. I can manage," he replied.

"Yeah. If that 'manage' means retaking the quiz," I sarcastically looked at him, and he gave me a forced chuckle out his lungs. "What about you?" He asked.

"I fucked up too. Fucked myself last night cramming the quiz in my goldfish brain," I said, and he shook his head. "Man, this day feels sad. Just plainly sad. And I don't even know why," he said. And you're not the only one Leron who feels that way. As he stood up, the bell rang and he walked out after waving me a goodbye. The classes are already starting? I feel like I'm still not ready for the day.

I was passing through the right hallway towards my L.A class when I bumped into France. He had this dark sunken eyes on his face, and a stench odor oozing from him. "Fuck!" He mumbled as he realised that it was me who he bumped into. And he quickly pulled his head down, hiding his face as if he didn't see me.

"Hey France!" I called out as he already took a few steps away from me. And when turned around, his face was molded into a fake smile. An expression you know he doesn't wear. "Yo Nath! What the fuck. I didn't know it was you," he then walked back towards me with his hand up, trying to catch a five from me. And as our hands clapped, he swung his arm around my neck and pulled me inside to the maintenance room, sitting beside the stairs.

"Sush," he covered my mouth and after a good second, he took it off, saying, "Someone's after me," with fear in his tone. And I immediately shoved him off the door. "Are you on drugs? What the fuck France."

"No. Me? Drugs? Nah," he shook his hands to my face, and brushed me off as he bolted out of the room. "Fuck," I mumbled and I grabbed his hoodie as he tempted to run away.

"I don't know what the fuck you're planning or doing with your life. But man, go home before anyone else gets sus' of you," I angrily muttered into his ear and he nodded his head in response. And before he walked down the stairs, he called my name.

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