Not Joyce or Monet

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Disclaimer: All Gilmore Girls content belongs to Amy Sherman-Palladino.

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Flopping face-first down onto the bed, Ella breathed a sigh of relief. It would have felt strange not to have a little champagne at Jess's book launch party. But, she was a lightweight. She was floating somewhere between tipsy, buzzed, and drunk. At least she was still capable of slipping off her shoes before making her way to the bedroom. She'd even managed to change into pajamas, brush her teeth, and wash her face. A far cry from the screwdriver incident at Liz's baby shower. A heavy winter snow fell outside the windows and a touch of cold air seeped into the draughty apartment. Goosebumps rose lightly on her skin. In her state, they felt nice instead of uncomfortable. She was already dozing when Jess came in, having taken a quick shower. His hair was still damp as he climbed into bed next to her, the movement shaking her from her haze. 

"Did you like your party?" she murmured, watching as he shut off the lamp and rolled over to face her.

His face was aglow with the bluish light of the snowy Saturday evening. "Mhm."

She snickered a bit at his nonchalance. "I know you hate parties, but Chris insisted it was the best way to drum up business. And you do like surprises, Mr. Spontaneity. Matthew and I made it as lowkey as we could."

"It wasn't so bad, Eleanor. Really," he said, shrugging. "You're remembering that you whispered lines from Catch-22 in my ear all night, right?"

"I figured you'd need some Joseph Heller to make it through," she explained, slightly sheepish.

Jess smiled. "Of course. And watching Chris and Leo get so drunk they do their acapella version of 'Under Pressure' could never be bad."

"Leo does do a damn good Freddie Mercury," Ella agreed, chuckling. "I didn't realize the publishing agents would all go blackout level, too."

"Oh, yeah. You should've seen what Chris did for the Subsect launch. It was like that scene where E.T. gets drunk. But if there were fifty aliens in the movie instead of just one," Jess said flatly, begrudgingly.

"You must be a little drunk if you're letting a cheesy eighties movie slip. Or have I finally converted you?" she teased, snuggling deeper into the pillow.

Jess smirked. "Not yet. Chris made me try his Manhattans to see if they 'tasted too much like gasoline.'"

"I have a sneaking suspicion that they did," Ella said.

"Someone give the lady a prize," Jess shot back tiredly. "Good thing we walked there."

"Yeah. And good thing I got to watch you catch a snowflake with your tongue on the way back."

"Shut up."

"Hey, don't be embarrassed, cutie," she said, forcing her laughter down. "I'll be eating my words when you watch me fall on my ass while we're ice-skating with April."

She knew if he'd been entirely sober, he wouldn't have gotten so caught up in his wonderment at the storm. But Ella had also seen him sticking out his tongue awaiting a snowflake in an old, yellowing photo album Liz had shown off during her baby shower. In it, Jess had been no more than three. Dressed in a raggedy winter jacket on some grimy corner of New York City. He and Liz were sticking their tongues out together. Seeing the photo had given Ella's mouth a bittersweet taste. It was hard to imagine Jess ever feeling so relaxed around his mother. She saw the same rare awe from him on the walk home. Most of the time, he was so weighed down by the world he could barely come up for air. She thought she had never seen him look so young at heart before.

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