Lily Briscoe, Remember?

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Disclaimer: All Gilmore Girls content belongs to Amy Sherman-Palladino.

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Twirling her cool water glass around and around on the grimy table, Ella smiled softly when a Strokes song came over the speakers. The bar was some hole-in-the-wall dive a few blocks down from the publishing house, still adorned with St. Patrick's Day decorations although it was halfway through May. But Ella didn't mind it. There weren't rowdy swarms of college students or bachelorette parties. Instead, people in their late twenties sat around in black, square-framed glasses talking in buzzing tones. They had locally-made beer and a small, empty stage with just a stool, where independent artists played on the weekends. The air was salty with fries and early summer excitement. Matthew made conversation with her as Chris and Jess went up to order the drinks. Leaning back against the ripped vinyl booth, Ella listened intently as Matthew, sat across from her in a creaky wooden chair, told her about he and Chris meeting in high school.

", we weren't in the AV club or anything, but we definitely weren't on the football team either-"

Chris led the way back to the table with a tray of beers and a hoot of satisfaction, Jess trailing behind his friend and rolling his eyes.

Stopping mid-sentence, Matthew turned to Chris and swiped a drink. Chris sat down beside him and was almost instantly chattering away. Matthew seemed kind, quiet, subdued. A good balance to Chris's chaotic enthusiasm. Jess slid into the booth beside Ella, shrugging off his suit jacket, flushed in the stuffy air. Their upper arms touched, making her stomach do a flip. Even though it had been years since he lived at Luke's, Jess still somehow had an aroma of pine.

"So," Chris began, turning to Ella with a pointed look and a grin, "what do you do, Ella?"

"Oh, um, I'm a waitress."

"And an artist," Jess chimed in, taking a sip from his bottle.

Ella rolled her eyes and then shot him a teasing glare. "Not professionally. But I just graduated from Southern Connecticut State last week. Hopefully I won't be filling sandwich orders my whole life."

"You graduated already, Doogie?" Jess asked with a pleasant, surprised chuckle.

She shrugged. "Wasn't too big a deal. I took summer classes and stuff."

"What's your major?" Matthew asked.

"Studio art," she said. "Minor in history, though."

Jess raised his brows, but said nothing. Apparently she hadn't gone through only outward changes. He could smell her lavender perfume as he sipped on his cheap, watery beer. It was odd to see her in Keeley's, a bar he'd frequented since arriving in Philadelphia. The feeling was not quite deja-vu, but his worlds were certainly colliding. In the back of his mind, he wondered where her necklace was, wondered where she was living. It was easy to feel like he knew her, maybe better than anyone, but they hadn't spoken in so long. She could be married, for all he knew. Scanning her thin hands, he found no engagement or wedding rings. But an uneasiness still sat right under his skin, eager to be resolved.

Crossing his arms, elbows on the table, Chris leaned closer into the conversation. "That's so cool! Do you have anything lined up? Seems like you should, considering how many people tried to buy your sketches today."

She scoffed, continuing to turn her glass anxiously. A blush warmed her cheeks, and a nervous smile tugged at her lips as she averted her eyes down to the table. "Sort of. Grad school is where I'm headed now."

"Really?" Jess chimed in. "Where?"

Clearing her throat, Ella raked a hand through her hair. Though Jess tilted his head at her, she refused to meet his gaze. "It's funny, actually. I've still got some things to work out...but UPenn."

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