Devin glanced at me as I did my best to not roll my eyes.

"You're lucky you don't have to deal with that Zara," Braden added.

"Yeah, sure." If only you knew you, clueless pretty boy. I glanced around the room. "Where's Alyson?"

"I don't know," Branden said with a shrug. "She has been a bitc.."

I narrowed my eyes waiting for him to continue.

Braden cleared his throat. "Umm.. a bit moody lately." He cautiously took a step back from me. "Well enjoy the party." He quickly turned and walked away.

"So we ever going to talk about Amelia and you? Devin took a
seat next to Kenzie on the sofa.

"There's nothing really to talk about. She's..." I really don't know what to think about Amelia. I felt like I couldn't really think around her. She was just so...

"Hot?" Devin answered for me.

Kenzie rolled her eyes in response.

"She is attractive but I'm not dumb enough to fall for a girl that has never shown the slightest hint of being gay," I said as I sat down on the other side of Kenzie.

Kenzie scoffed at my answer. "Then why are you hanging out with the bimbo?"

"Because there's more to her than you think. You're just being judgmental," I replied. "We could be really good friends."

All I could see was skepticism in Kenzie's eyes when she looked at me. "You're blind."

"She does have a bad rep," Devin added. "Remember when she made Jared Peter's cry when she dumped him for the lead singer of the Revolvers. That dude was married and in his thirties too."

I was speechless at that moment. Everything they said was true. Amelia did dump the star quarterback for a married singer. She starred in some of his music videos as well.

"It's fine if you like a slut but why do you have to like a homewrecking slut?"

"Oh wow Kenzie, I didn't know there was a difference," I said sarcastically. "Can we not talk about this and talk about something else? Like how are your classes going?"

Kenzie crossed her arms defiantly against her chest. "Chemistry is kicking my ass."

"That must hurt to admit," Devin said

Kenzie glared at him before turning to me. "Can you help?"

"Chemistry isn't my strongest point," I answered.

"But you're in A.P." Kenzie looked at me with confusion in her eyes.

"Yeah, but it's still hard for me," I said. "You should ask Monique for help. She's the one that's been helping me." As surprising as it was, the resident cheerleader was amazing at chemistry.

"Hell no!" Kenzie shook her head.

"Why?" I still don't get why Kenzie didn't like Monique.

"I do not want to spend any unnecessary time with that Barbie," Kenzie stated. "I might end up killing myself or her."

"Personally I would love to have a hot cheerleader tutoring me," Devin stated.

"You want to die?" Kenzie turned toward Devin who held his hands up in surrender.

"Well think of it this way," I explained. "Do you want to fail chemistry and stay in school longer or do you want to pass and be out on time?"

"I hate when you're right," Kenzie hesitantly answered.

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