Chapter 6

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I don't know how I got roped into doing this, but Monique somehow convinced me to help her bake blondies for Byron. We've been in my kitchen for the past hour chatting and looking at recipes. It was a spur of a moment thing and she wanted to surprise him by making his favorite dessert. He was such a lucky guy. 

"Can he even eat this?" He's not on some kind of diet for basketball?" I asked while I whisked the sugar and butter together. 

"Yes, he can have something sweet," Monique replied. She was leaning against the island as she read over the recipe she found on my iPad.

"He has you already. He doesn't need anything else that is sweet," I said.

"Zara, "Monique giggled. 

From the corner of my eye, I could see Kenzie pantomimed vomiting.  She was unhelpful as ever. She was sitting on one of the counter stools that was situated at the end of the island.  She was only here because her mother took up singing and she had to get of the house. We were all supposed to head to the Homecoming dance afterward. 

 "What do we add next?" I looked at Monique for the directions. 

"We need to add vanilla and an egg," Monique answered. 

"Kenzie can you pass me an egg?" I pointed at the carton of eggs that were in front of her.

"Can't. I don't touch eggs," Kenzie replied stoically.

"Uh, why?" Monique tilted her head and stared at Kenzie in confusion. 

"It came out of a chicken's vagina. I'm not touching it," Kenzie answered. 

"Please don't tell me that's why you don't like touching people," I said.

Kenzie's reply was a middle finger directed toward me. 

"That's kind of gross now that I think about it." Monique stared at the carton of eggs like it now some kind of foreign object. 

"Come on guys." I placed my bowl down and walked over to grab an egg from the carton. "Why does it feel like I'm the one making blondies for my boyfriend?"

"Awe little cuz are you going back to the straight and narrow?" Mei casually walked into the kitchen. She was dressed in a black cami and black shorts. She ran her fingers through her disheveled hair when she saw that I had company.

"Sarcasm," I replied. "Everyone this is my cousin Mei."

"Hi," Monique said with a wave and a bright smile.

Kenzie gave Mei a nonchalant salute before turning her attention to her phone.

Mei's grinned as she took in Monique's athletic form. 

"Monique has a boyfriend," I said before Mei could say anything. "And don't even think about it." I pointed toward Kenzie. 

"I'm feeling a lot of animosity from you," Mei said in mock offense. 

"Kenzie will hurt you if you say anything to her," I stated.

Mei turned her attention to Kenzie who glanced up from her phone and stared Mei down. 

"I don't think I will mind," Mei said with a smirk.

"Me too," Monique said under her breath.

"What?" I stared at Monique in confusion.  Sometime she gave me gay vibes but then sometimes I wonder if it's because she's just flirty and nice.

"Nothing," Monique shook her head. "I mean let's get some baking done." She clapped her hands together in a steady rhythm. 

"I like the pep, " Mei said as she gestured toward Monique. 

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