Chapter 10

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A part of me wished that the bottle did not point at me.  It was just the nerves of going first. I let out a sigh of relief when it landed on Monique. 

"Alright, we got our first victim," Daniella said with a smirk. "Truth or Dare?" 

"I'm gonna play it safe and do truth," Monique answered.

"Bor-ring," Daniella replied with a roll of her eyes.

Olivia quickly whispered something in her sister's ear which brought a grin to Daniella's face.

"Where's the freakiest place you had sex?" Daniella questioned Monique. 

Monique's eyes widened like saucers when she heard the question. 

"That's not fair since Olivia asked you to ask that," Logan stated.

"There's nothing in the rule against that," Daniella replied. "Now answer the question."

"Nowhere," Monique answered.

"Lies!" Patrick pointed accusingly at Monique. 

"What?" Monique stared at Patrick in confusion. 

"You and Byron were banging in the bathroom earlier," Patrick stated.

There were a couple of gasps in the room.  This wasn't something I wanted to hear about. I couldn't control my frown as the thought just made me want to vomit. What is wrong with people wanting to do it in a bathroom. That was disgusting.

"T.M.I." Olivia shouted. "And eww!"

"You asked for it, "Madison retorted while Olivia glared at her.

"Uh, no we weren't," Monique declared. 

"Yeah, she was passed out on the sofa for a solid ten minutes," Devin responded.

"Shut up Patrick! You don't know what you're talking about!" Logan's pale face turned pink in anger. 

"I swore I heard him in there," Patrick said to himself in confusion. 

"Way to be a creep," Devin said.

"Not with me!" Monique's eyes narrowed in a glare as she got up from her seat.  She went directly to her phone as she started to make her way up the stairs to find Byron. 

"Don't listen to that idiot!" Logan ran after Monique.

"Nevermind,  truth is fun," Daniella stated with glee. "Who's next?"

Everyone hesitated after what happened. Daniella and Olivia looked like a duo of evil witches and everyone else were their hostages. 

Kenzie grabbed the bottle and gave it a spin. It spun for a little bit before it landed on Braden who looked completely terrified. 

"Whatever you pick, you better do or I will straight up murder you," Kenzie stated. "No hesitation."

At that moment, I think Braden shitted his pants. 

"Can you be more of a freak?" Olivia muttered.

"You want to take his place," Kenzie suggested.

There was no surprise that Olivia was in love with Braden but she wasn't that in love with him. Olivia quickly shook her head.

"Do dare man." Patrick tried to convince Braden who looked at him like he was crazy.

"Truth," Braden finally answered.

"I'll give you an easy one," Kenzie said. "Why did you kiss my sister?" 

A look of relief appeared on Braden's face. "I like her. She's pretty."

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