Chapter 5

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I'm not quite sure how I got in this situation or if it was something I was imagining, but I found myself pressed against a wall of an empty classroom with my crush standing in front of me, her face an inch away from mine.  

I was just heading toward the gymnasium to see how the Homecoming decorations were going. The next thing I knew was yanked inside the classroom. I would suck if I got kidnapped. I need to be more aware of my surroundings. 

"Umm...can I help you with something?" Alyson was acting so strange ever since senior year started. I was not used to this change because it left me more confused than normal.

Alyson's doe-like eyes widened when she realized how close she was toward my face. She took a quick step back and bit her bottom lip, unsure what else to say or do.

I thought it was really cute, but I had to look away because I really didn't want to crush any harder on her than I wanted to. "Do you need something?"

I looked back at her all she did was look down at her feet while still biting her bottom lip.

You're the one that pulled me into this classroom." I tapped my foot impatiently. After another round of complete silence from Alyson, I let out a sigh before I started walking toward the door.


I turned back to face her, doing my best to contain my annoyance. "Yes, Miss Crawford. How may I help you?" I said in my best teacher voice.

"You should stay away from her," Alyson said. Her voice was barely a whisper.

"Excuse me?" I walked closer to her, just so that I could hear her.

"Amelia. You should stay away from her." Alyson finally looked at me.

"What? Why?" I was just getting more confused as I talked to her.

"She's not good," Alyson said like it was the simplest thing.

"Trust me, I'm not worried about her stealing my boyfriend, I answered as sarcastically as I could.

"That's not what I meant, "Alyson replied.

"I don't even know why you are telling me this. You're so strange. For the past, I don't know, six years, you've basically ignored me. Now it's like you're suddenly Miss Sociable."

"I..." Alyson looked away from me, unable to speak another word.

"Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean I have can't like them," I said. "We're not even friends. So why does it matter?"

"Like you." She said it so quietly that I thought I was hearing things.

Do you know that moment where you're so completely stunned that everything feels like it's in slow motion? You know you heard what you just heard but it still takes time to process complete in your brain. Was I hearing the correct words that were coming out of her mouth?

"What?" This must be some sick cruel joke. I was not going to fall for this.
It didn't make sense. I glanced around the classroom to make sure there wasn't anyone hiding somewhere. 

Alyson stared at me with wide eyes, too shocked by her own words. 

I felt like I was in some kind of weird dream or something because why are my crushes suddenly coming out of the woodwork to say that they like me. I did not know if I would want to wake up or stay in this strange world. 

"I...uhh.." A look of panic came across Alyson's eyes as she struggled to find the correct words to say.

"I thought you were always so articulate," I said with a smirk.

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