Chapter 4

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For our's school's Homecoming, we planned to have a carnival to celebrate after the football game. We thought it would be fun for alumni and current students. We set everything outside the football stadium and a few things around campus. There was a Ferris wheel, bumper cars, Merry-go-round, a giant slide, and a hurricane. I hoped that was enough to keep everyone occupied and having fun. Braden wanted to have some sort of mini roller coaster. I had to convince him that we didn't have space and the school wasn't going to authorize it due to safety reasons. It was already hard enough to convince the school to allow us to have a Ferris wheel and a hurricane.

"This looks awesome Zara," Devin said as he looked around the carnival. Various booths were spread out all over campus. "It reminds me of Pacific Park but without the ocean view."

"That place is kind of tacky though," Madison stated. "So touristy."

"But still fun," Devin said. 

 "It's our last year at Westwood. I want the class of 2013 to have the best time."  This was my last Homecoming and I felt a little nostalgic. 

"Hey Zara," Braden called out from a foot away.

I turned toward him and I wished I didn't. He had on a tight Ralph Lauren polo and his arm was around  Alyson who wore a simple white tee and a pleated navy skirt. They looked like a couple out of a Ralph Lauren catalog. 

"We did a good job." Braden gave me a thumbs up and a wink before walking away with Alyson.

"He has a face that you want to punch," Kenzie muttered.  It was the first thing she said all day to us. She was in one of her moods where she didn't want to speak or acknowledge anyone around her.

"Agreed." Stupid smirky boy. "So what do you guys want to do?"

"Braden is so hot though," Madison stated. "Alyson is so lucky."

I tried my best to contain the frown that wanted to form on my lips. I could see Devin glancing at me. 

"Want to shoot hoops?" Devin pointed to a booth with basketball hoops. "Or ride the  bumper cars?"

"I don't need to experience whiplash," Madison complained. "Let's ride on the Ferris wheel." She grabbed ahold of Devin's hand and dragged him away.

"Um...see you there," Devin called out. 

"Want to go?" I turned to Kenzie who shrugged back at me.

"Zara! Kenzie!" Monique's voice rang out. She ran toward us with a giant stick of pink cotton candy. 

Kenzie rolled her eyes and walked away as Monique reached us. Byron followed behind her with Logan in tow. 

Monique's eyes followed Kenzie as she left. She fell to a stop beside me.

"Are you enjoying yourself." I hugged Monique as she placed her arm around my waist. 

"Uh...yeah! It was amazing!" Monique had her hair in a ponytail and it swished from side to side as she moved. She was dressed in her black and green cheerleader outfit. 

"You were great out there," I said. 

Monique grinned and hugged me tightly. 

"You too, Logan," I added. Unlike Monique who was petite at 5 foot two, Logan was a couple of inches taller than. She had doll-like brown eyes and alabaster skin that could not be tanned, even in the California sun. It would straight up be burnt if she tried. 

"Thanks, Zara," Logan replied with a smile. She removed the ponytail she had on earlier and her pale blonde hair fell over her shoulders.

"Hey Byron," I said. Tall, dark, and handsome, Byron was the quintessential star athlete in the typical high school films. He had it all and the hot cheerleader girlfriend was the icing on top. 

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