Chapter 11

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I never would have dreamed or imagine being in my crush's bed. It felt weird and unreal. Was this considered a sleepover? She asked if I had anywhere to go and I said no, so here we were lying side by side together. We both had changed out of our Homecoming dresses. I was dressed in one of her t-shirts and a pair of shorts, she had given me. 

I turned to my left and found Alyson watching me with her mesmerizing blue-green eyes. 

"Can I help you?" I stared at her in confusion.

"You're just so beautiful." Alyson placed her hand against my cheek.

"I can say the same about you," I answered. My eyes followed Alyson's fingers as they slowly slid down my cheek and traced the outline of my jaw. 

"You're always so articulate with your words," Alyson whispered as she leans in to kiss me. 

Her lips are soft and sweet against mine and it made me want to keep kissing her.  As I was kissing her, I couldn't help but think about us. Did she want to be my girlfriend?  What about Amelia? What were we? Why does this have to happen to me now? I already have a lot on my plate already and I really didn't need to add any more. 

I pull away from her before we got carried away. "What is this?"

Alyson's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know where we stand. Like do you want to be my girlfriend?" 

"'s complicated," Alyson said as she turned away from me. 

"Because of your dad?"  Why did I even think this could be a possibility. 

"It's a lot of things," Alyson answered with a sigh. "It's my dad and I just broke up with Braden and..."

"What made you break up with Braden?" The timing just seemed to be off. They were just crowned Homecoming King and Queen. Everything about this night should have been about them, the "perfect" couple of Westwood. 

"He was pressuring me to sleep with him," Alyson replied. "I told him I wanted to wait till marriage, but he wasn't understanding about that part. Ironically he gave me a promise ring, that was his way of saying that he would marry me. "

"Wow, he really thought that would work," I replied in disbelief.  Ugh, he was a piece of work. 

"I don't know if I could even marry him. I don't even like to kiss him," Alyson added. "It's different when I'm with you. I like kissing you."

"But would you like dating me and being my girlfriend?" 

Alyson turned back to face me. "I want to. It just might take some time to get used to." She laid her head against my shoulder.

"Okay." This was okay, right? I can do this. All she needed was time. I am a patient person. We could work this out. 

We laid there in silence, comforted by the presence of each other. It was nice. 

"Do you know what I just realized?" I wrapped an arm around her waist.

"No. What?" 

"You're always staring at me," I answered with a smirk. 

"I do not!" Alyson looked up at me. 

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, you do. At lunch, in French class, and just recently when we were laying here."

"It's just a coincidence.," Alyson replied with a roll of her eyes. 

"You're too cute." I gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

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