Chapter 15

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I felt like I dragged Amelia across the street when I saw Mei and Monique. I did not expect to see them together.

"What are you two doing together?" I pointed accusingly at Mei.

"Hi cuz," Mei grinned at me and I wanted to smack that stupid grin off her face. "We're on a date."

"What!" I shouted at her.

Monique's jaw dropped as she turned and smacked Mei on the arm. "Stop lying!"

"Ow!" Mei pouted as she rubbed her arm.

"Zara!" Monique wrapped her arms around my waist.

The anger subsided as she hugged me. Amelia stared at us, unsure what to think. I quickly pushed Monique back.

"What's the real reason, you two are together?" I turned my attention toward Mei.

"She wanted to stalk your hot, angry friend," Mei answered casually

"Not stalking," Monique said with a gasp. "Kenzie's band is playing and I'm just trying to find where."

"Okay, that doesn't explain why you're together," I said.

"Kenzie wouldn't tell me where she was playing," Monique said.

"I saw a sad girl and I asked what can I do to help," Mei replied with a shrug.

"And you figured that Kenzie's band is playing somewhere here?"

"I'm a great detective," Mei said.

"We're lost," Monique stated. "Madison didn't know and Mrs. Kaliveyv didn't know."

"So basically you tricked Monique into spending time with you?" I glared at Mei.

"No, we're just having a detour," Mei defended.

"You're close," Amelia said as she looked up from her phone. "They're playing down the road from here."

I felt bad at that moment since I forgot that Amelia was here. We all turned towards her, shocked that she would know.

"Oh, yeah didn't you date that nasty, old producer guy that they played for," Mei stated.

I smacked her in the arm. "Shut up," I growled under my breath. A part of me did want to know if it was true.

Amelia's eyes widened in shock and she stood there unable to see anything for a few moments.

"Kenzie, kinda told us," Monique said as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger.

"It was only for like a month until I found out he wasn't the guy I thought he was," Amelia finally answered.

Mei shook her head and clicked her tongue. "Girl, you got horrible taste." She suddenly remembered that I there when she saw me glaring at her. "Until now," She added.  She gave me a pat on the back while I continued to glare at her.

"I've definitely learned," Amelia stated.

"Uh...yeah...umm so let's go see Kenzi." Monique clapped her hands together.

"Y'all, want to go?" Mei's eyes went from me to Amelia.

"If you're cool with it, I wouldn't mind going," I said.

"Sure, it sounds like it will be fun," Amelia answered.

"Alright, lead the way cheerleader," Mei directed Monique.

They walked ahead of Amelia and me.

"Sorry about my cousin. She doesn't really have a filter," I said.

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