A Soul for a Soul

Start from the beginning

"Listen to me you little wretch," I growled, tightening my grip around his neck, "I just learned that my Grandfather is dead. So if I were you, I'd humor me. You don't want to feel the pure anguish and grief that is trapped inside of me. Trust me. The last person to have the misfortune to feel it is no longer alive to tell how it felt. Believe me when I say you will not survive. I don't care how this might affect time and this dimension. I'm way past caring about the consequences. So, I'll say this again. Give up the stone."

I slammed him against the scarlet floor, putting my foot on his chest to keep him still and from trying to get away. I willed the emotional power inside me to build up and my eyes began to glow. Up until that point Set had been smirking, but when he realized that I was serious he began to hyperventilate and his eyes bulged. Loki and Titus backed away as fast as they could in case I actually did it. Loki knew exactly what happens when I lost control. Evidentially so did Set.

"Alright! I yield! I yield!" He cried.

I let the power ease inside of me calming my emotions then took my foot off his chest. I grabbed him by the neck again and yanked him back to his feet. Set beckoned for a demon and had it go retrieve the Reality Stone. I kept a good grip around his neck and paid close attention to his emotions to make sure he was not up to any tricks. The demon quickly came back with a box inscribed with Norse ruins. Once the demon gave the box to Loki, I finally let Set go.

"Well, to be fair the Reality Stone doesn't really belong to me. I saw some Asgardians bury it and as soon as they were gone, I dug it back up. With every intention to return it, of course. Now if any were to ask after it again, I can put the blame on you three. This is really a win-win. Of course, I need to tell you to get out of my palace this instant. No hard feelings I hope."

"Don't worry," I said, "We were just leaving."

Loki gave me a strange look as we hurried out.

"What? It worked didn't it?" I asked defensively.

"I never said it didn't. Just glad it worked. Now we need the TVA to come along."

"Well, let's hurry them up," I said.

The faster they came the sooner I could grieve...and put in motion my plan motivated by depression.

We put as much distance between us and the Sea of Chaos as possible, before implementing the next stage of the plan. At least what we had planned in advance, most of this had been done on the fly so that the TVA did not arrest us before we wanted them to. Loki made the Reality and Mind Stones disappear into a magical pocket that the TVA could not breach. I gave the Time and Space Stones to Titus who then disappeared. We planned that Titus would think about our exact time and location whilst going through time and space to alert the TVA of our presence there. Also, it served as a way to get the stones away from where the TVA could get them.

No sooner than when Titus had left, we were surrounded by armored time police with all their weapons pointing at our faces. I was both relieved and disappointed that none of the people that had come to arrest us were ones I could recognize from the night of my father's death.

The same woman that had tried to arrest us at the headquarters stepped forwards, "Put all your weapons on the ground and put your hands in the air. This time no funny business, you hear?"

Loki set down all the concealed knives and daggers on his body, and I just laid myself down on the ground.

One guy wearing a helmet that obscured his face asked, "What are you doing? Stand up."

"You said put all your weapons on the ground. I'm a living weapon but you told me to stand up, so it's a catch-22," I said innocently.

I know, I should not have been joking around especially with how much pain I was in. I joked because it hid how broken I was at that moment. (Even if the joke was not good at all, I'm not very funny when I am depressed.)

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