Chapter 43: real or fake

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Natalies POV
« Auntie nat where we going? » my niece Hailey asked I looked at her for awhile and was thankful that she looked a lot like Zach and not like her mother « well we are going on an adventure isn't that fun? » I replied she nodded giggled and skipped back to her seat where Zach buckled her up and gestured for me to go to the back of the plane I checked to see the boys sleeping and Ella was playing with Hailey and followed him « so what's happening? You know I love you and support you but are you on the run or something » my twin asked I wish at least it was simpler than what was happening I sighed « I don't know where to start but I do know that when I found out it changed my life and made me colder » I said tearing up he hugged me and said « it's okay I'm here for you and I'm with you no matter what now come on » I sat down on the floor and started explaining everything after I was done he stayed silent 1 minute two minutes passed and nothing than he bursted out laughing I frowned and looked at him as if he was crazy « did you hit your head somewhere » he coughed out still laughing but one look at my face and that was it « there's no way what mom cheated on dad had us sold her sister to some guy so he wouldn't take you as his sons bride then our family blackmailed him and now he's hunting them us down » he said I haven't told him that our life is in the middle of the mafia and stuff « there more our dad is the French mafia don he's married and has two kids and the guys son the one who's after us is the don of the Russian and Italian mafia not to mention that mom and Adriano were planning on selling me and the boys to him as an apology and peace offering that guy Théo he's our right hand assistant/bodyguard » I quickly blurted he stood up « what do you mean he tried to sell you and the boys » he asked wow and here I thought he'd get stuck in the whole mafia thing "yeah he did remember the whole kidnapping that was dad he explained everything with Thèo as much as I hate to admit it he saved us I mean Adriano pointed a gun at my head threatening me" I continued he ran his hand through his hair something he does when he's thinking « I'm im so sorry I didn't mean for this but after dad said that Isaac and aria knew I just panicked and grabbed the kids called you and now we're going to Paris I know this isn't what you want and I'll understand if you want to go back » I cried out he doesn't deserve this I mean this guy is after me he glared at me held my hands and said « I'm your twin brother and older brother I will be with you no matter what don't you ever say that again I'm just trying to wrap my head around this I knew our family was crazy but this is just wow like icing on the cake » he said I wiped my tears away « you know our dad is excited to meet us » k said hoping to lighten the mood « our bio dad » I corrected « can we trust him I mean why now? » he asked « I honest don't know but apparently he found out three days ago then contacted dad which led to mom's confession » I explained he nodded « what're you going to do? » I asked he looked at me with question « about your job the mafia » I said « since I am the first born of his I might take over and if I do I'll change a lot of things drugs killings stuff like that and there's no way I'm going back to my job I'll feel as if I'm betraying one of my family's » he explained « you don't have to you know you can go back to New York stay as an FBI agent » I said he shook his head « you're more important plus It didn't feel right going back I felt like something was missing there were to much rules this is a new beginning to both of us I want Hailey to grow up happy and safe so I'm fine going back home where we're from now let's go I want to talk to Théo » he said and walked back to his seat I smiled and followed him it felt good knowing that I had someone with me especially Zach but I felt a pang at my heart knowing that Adriano the person I thought I lived betrayed me like that was it real? Or was it all fake? What hurts even more was my siblings did they really know I'm not taking any chances but I doubt they'd do that so I'm not giving up on them I'm going to fight I sat back down thinking about my father and his family will they like me are they nice what're they like I closed my eyes remembering the memories that were once real and happy but now they're distant in the past they were sad and fake I think they were grey.
I remembered our first kiss I stormed to his office « what the hell Adriano? » I asked he looked at me with his eyes they were filled with surprise and amusement I slammed the door closed « we agreed that there would be a contract and rules one of them one year marriage we will divorce in one years time I wrote it in bold for a reason and now I find out from you lawyer that there will be no contract just a normal marriage » I yelled at him he simply stared back at me I swear it's like talking to a brick wall idiot I mumbled under my breath I turned moi g my way to the door when I was grabbed by the waist I pushed him away and stepped back until I felt my back hit the door he grabbed my waist pulling me towards him we were so close I could smell his minty breath he leaned down but stopped midway he bit his lip and let me tell you I was going crazy on the inside I felt butterflies in my stomach I felt light then he kissed me and that's when I knew that there was something as fireworks I internally smiled.
  Or when the time that he found out I was pregnant was he happy because he was getting a peace offering what about when he told me he loved me it felt so real my heart was hurting and I wanted it to stop why does everyone I care about betray why does my heart like this every single time is something wrong with me I remembered when we found out we were having boys he cried he fucking cried was that fake too did he ever love me or was I just dollar signs to him it's funny I miss him yet I don't really miss him just the illusion of him did I really love him I'm so confused I just wish for once that someone will be afraid of losing me I didn't realize I was crying until I touched my face and it was wet so was my shirt everyone was asleep I went to the bathroom and washed my face when I noticed something where was the stewardess I went to the little setup where I thought she was when I saw that the pilots room was open I pulled my gun out turned the safety off and opened the door slowly there was no one there the plane was on auto pilot what the hell is going on when I heard muffled screams coming from the back of the plane I ran there and there was the pilot tied up I turned around just in time she was pointing a gun at me « who do you work for? » I asked she smiled « you'll find out soon enough » she replied seriously I'm not a big fan of these things I swear these adventures I was having are making me hate surprises « put your gun down » I coldly said I felt a puddle at my feet I looked down and saw blood leading to the co pilot he was bleeding out with a stab wound to the leg and abdomen if I don't get to him he'll die I swear this boys are useless I suddenly got an idea I put my gun down and slid it to her as she bent down to pick it up I pounced in her making the gun fly over to the other side of the plane she had me a choke hold thank god i know how to fight I threw some pretty good punches she was groaning I took this as an opportunity and grabbed my gun and rushed to the pilot I untied him « can you take the plane on your own? » I asked but he looked terrified at something behind me I heard the safety click off I guess I'm going to die think think nothing when suddenly a gunshot sounded I felt no pain I slowly turned around to find Théo with a gun and but h lady clutching her arm he took the gun from her and smiled at me the pilot quickly ran back to the cockpit I bet he's scarred for life poor guy my brother ran over to us « what the hell happened? » he asked rubbing his eyes « you know I always knew you were a heavy sleeper but seriously I almost got killed » I said rolling my eyes I turned to Théo « thanks second time you saved my life in 48 hours new record » I said « why is your life constantly in danger? I mean you weren't even introduced to the mafia world yet » he asked me and Zach locked eyes and smiled I hurried to the co pilot and started shouting orders at them....
Hello guys what do you think of the plot twist so let me explain first of all I've read so many billionaire and mafia stories and they were all a little cliche so I've always wanted to do a book that had romance action mafia and billionaire in it when I first started writing this book the plot twist wasn't planned in fact it was supposed to end as soon as Natalie gave birth but a week ago I was in bed when an idea formed in my head I quickly wrote it down I mean my inspiration always comes at night in bed at like two in the morning so I decided why not give it a try and I really like it I mean even I am asking myself what's going to happen so I'm just letting my head take over whenever a new idea comes I quickly write it down but I am super excited although this chapter was sad I cried writing it but fear not because there's more so I apologize for not uploading regularly like always but comment what you think share vote and follow me thanks love you all.

Hello guys what do you think of the plot twist so let me explain first of all I've read so many billionaire and mafia stories and they were all a little cliche so I've always wanted to do a book that had romance action mafia and billionaire in it ...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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