Chapter 34 prank wars

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Natalies pov
I have three days left till I pop and let me tell you everyone can't wait for two reasons one because They're sick and tired of my pranks and two because they are babies who doesn't love them right anyway let me give you a summary of everything that's happened so after my prank on Adriano let's just say he was a little mad but he can't stay that way forever with my skills wink*wink you get me so after two days of careful planning my next plan was put in action.
So my next prank is for my sister and her husband just because I feel like they earned it so I went to the kitchen and started chopping onions in order to tear my eyes up once I was satisfied I FaceTimed aria "hey sis what's up?" She greeted "I..l...l think I'm in labor and there's no one here" I cried out wow if I didn't know any better than I'd think it was all real "okay hang on me and Xavier are on our way XAVIER!!" I heard her yell out she quickly explained everything with her bossy attitude of I didn't know any better I'd think her mood swings are way worse than mine the big bad mafia boss is whipped I taught you well little sister I thought to myself "have you called your hubby or 911?" She asked "no of course not I'm with you just don't call 911 okay I can handle it just hurry up" I told her and hanged up before she could say anything else okay so she and Xavier lived 30 minutes away Adriano doesn't know about my plan just because I thought it'd be funny to do another prank on him I quickly got to work I got my fake blood and made sure to put it where they could see then I poured some water on the ground and hid well long story short I got yelled at screamed at and attacked of course that was after the police my neighbors and the ambulance all left of course I didn't regret it I mean if they're putting me on house arrest might as well have fun oh and if you're wondering where the maids and guards went I said that I had cravings and that's how I sent all of them away and now I feel bad cause they were all fired although I didn't feel bad for Xavier and aria I felt bad about Adriano so now he's my partner in crime and he promised that we'd go out tonight he said that he hopes he never gets in my bad side that's right but I'm not done yet I still have a long long list of people might as well keep myself busy right.
Flashback end
Of course there were others like the time me and Adriano pretended that we broke up and are giving the babies away I mean that was hilarious the looks on their faces was wow but then it backfired because they were all screaming at each other and stuff so yeah oh there's the time that me and aria told mom that our babies were from different men and that the men were hookers there was a time that I went to my brothers office and told him how come he didn't tell me he was gay and that I had to find him when I caught him and his boyfriend going at it at a bar oh I said that really bad he was so embarrassed he literally was redder than a tomato next up was my in laws we told them that me and Adriano were moving to Siberia because we wanted more action and that we were selling everything including the company boy was that a bad idea considering that Adriano has a black eye and a handprint if a slap on his face anyway these are just some of the things I did it was fun and now all I have to do is wait for my lovely babies to come into this world I'm honestly not tired of being pregnant I sighed and got up but I suddenly felt really dizzy I tried to call out but then I remembered that all the maids and workers left and Adriano was in a long meeting so I was alone I started to panic when suddenly I felt wet I looked down and sure enough there was water dripping down my legs next thing I know I was on the floor the last thing I thought before I was consumed by the darkness was that my water broke and that I hope these babies were okay and I loved them and that was it I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness...
Zacharys pov
I was heading home when I suddenly felt like something bad happened it was at pit of my stomach and I felt hurt? I called Natalie because I missed her we hadn't talked since the incident at the office I called several times but it went straight to voice mail call it twin telepathy but I feel like something bad happened to her I rushed to her house I unlocked the door and I walked to the living room calling her name but nothing I soon saw something horrible I rushed over to her please be okay I pleaded to myself.
Adriano's pov
I was in the middle of a meeting when my assistant barged in she looked sad nervous and a whole lot of different emotions I cleared my throat "I hope you have a good reason for barging in like that ms.rae" I said in my cold emotionless voice I was only happy when I'm around my family friends and the love of my life Natalie a smile made its way into my face but little did I know it was going to be knocked out "sir your wife......." I couldn't hear anything after she said that but what I heard next made my heart hurt "...they don't think she'll make it" I stormed out and quickly made my way to the hospital I was seeing red I hurried over to the hospital she was still in surgery I punched ..... but that wasn't enough so I.....
So what did you think of this chapter it's almost over? Should I write a second book please vote or comment to let me know thanks😀😀😃😃

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