(Twisted wonderland) Azul x Mermaid!Reader

Start from the beginning

"AWWWW! You're SO CUTE!♥" Y/N gasped as she hugged the cubby Octopus boy.

(Azul.exe has stopped working)

Azul chubby cheeks were lobster red as he felt this girl drown him in affection. He's never experienced this much affection before, or ever. He just didn't know how to react.

"P-please let go?" Azul stuttered as his heart fluttered in his chest.

"Oh, sorry. Your just the cutest thing," Y/n gushed, with heart sin her eyes.

"Y-you think I'm cute?"Azul asked surprised.

"Yep, so cute and squishy," She sighed as she pinched his cheeks.

But he didn't care for the first time someone was smiling at him. Not a smile of malice, a real pure smile. Know that she was close he could see strange patterns on her cheeks and the Jellyfish cap over her head really would make her stand out. His eyes slowly trailed down to her F/c tail. She had long frilly fins, that must make it difficult to swim fast.

"So what are you doing al the way out here, you also out here to escape the meanies," Y/n asked as she finally let go of Azul's face.

"For the most part, I just hang out here to study and to perfect my magic! I'll show them just how impressive I can be!" Azul shouted determinedly.

"wow, you must be pretty smart and awesome with magic then. I wish I could say the same for myself," Y/n sighed.

"With magic or the studies?" Azul asked as he slowly slides back into his hiding hole.

"Magic, I have a hard time controlling my magic. I can't cast magic like everyone else. Just today my teacher said to never return after I made her age 40 years. It was just an accident, my magic just went wild," Y/n frowned as she laid down on the squishy sand.

Azul simply stared at Y/n, not knowing what to say to her. His heart went out to her. With a shaky breath, Azul poked his head out of his hiding hole.

"I-If you want help I-I can help," Azul offered as he quickly pulled his head back into the hole.

"You will, Thank you!" Y/n smiled.

Azul's cheeks turned a light red as he watched her swim off into the distance. She won't come, he thought to himself. But to his surprise, she did return the next day, just like the day after that, and after that.


(Middle school years)

 Azul for the first time had a friend. She too was outcasted, to the other merpeople, she was just odd. She looked more like a jellyfish more than a mer, she was no good with magic and had the strangest markings on her face. So she would spend most of her time with Azul, watching him perfect his magic, and gathering Info on those who wronged him.

"I did it!" Azul said with pride.

"You finished it?" Y/n smiled as Azul showed off his golden scroll.

"Beautiful isn't it, If someone signs this than I can have anything I want from them," Azul smirked.

"Let's test it out!" Y/n said with excitement.

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