Welcome to Devildom!

Start from the beginning

Students started shuffling out of the auditorium slowly, as each of them was given a map and other documents from prepared earlier welcome pack. Diavolo already left using the side doors.

"I can't believe it's already happening," said Lucifer walking over to her with a small smile. He put an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him and kissed her head. "Good job, love. You made it happen."

"We made it happen," she corrected him with a smile, but her eyebrows were knitted in a frown.

"Are you not happy?" Lucifer asked curiously.

"What's that about not leaving the borders of the centre area?" she asked.

"Just necessary safety measures," the demon replied, the smile faded from his lips.

"I thought you caught all the culprits behind that awful incident?"

"We did. But we'll never know if there are more of them somewhere out there," Lucifer sighed. "That's why I want you to be careful too, ok? If you need to go anywhere beyond the main area, just let me know."

"Ok, I will," she agreed with a smile, not wanting to show him that this news was unsettling for her.


When Lhori went out of the bathroom in the late evening, Lucifer was still sitting at his desk, frowning over some paperwork. She bit her lips and steeled her resolve for the upcoming argument. It must be done sooner or later. She put a sweet smile on her lips and walked casually to him.

"Still working?" she asked, brushing away dark hair from his eyes.

"I just need to finish up a few things, and I get to bed, I promise," he replied absentmindedly and kissed her hand gently. "You go ahead, love. You don't have to wait up for me."

"You work too much, Lucifer," she said in a calm voice and moved to stand behind his chair. She put her hands on his shoulders, her fingers knitting gently on his tight muscles. "Why don't you take a break, hmm?"

Lucifer closed his eyes and leaned into her touch.

"Hmm, do you have any specific plans for my break?" he teased with a smirk.

"Just relax and let me massage your stiff shoulders."

"Well, feel free to proceed," he purred. His whole posture relaxed visibly. Lhori worked on his shoulders and neck for a moment preparing her speech.

"Lucifer, I was thinking..."

"Oh, there we go," he sighed. She frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"I knew you were up to something the moment you left the bathroom. Tell me then, what are you plotting, little bunny?"

"I am not plotting!" she hissed at him. He always used that nickname when he was mocking her. He looked up at her raising his brows.

"Really? What's with the massage then?"

"Can't I just be nice for you?"

"That is unusually and atypically nice when usually you'd be annoyed that I'm still working. Come on, spill it."

Lhori sighed and dropped all of her act. She sat on his desk, looking at him.

"I was thinking... The exchange program is doing very well. We are already a month in, and everyone is settling nicely so..." she paused, trying to gauge his reaction. He was looking at her patiently waiting for her to get to the point. "Maybe it's a good time to invite Noah over?" she asked quietly.

Lucifer scoffed and his face visibly contorted while he tried to hide his disdain.

"There you have it. I knew I'm not going to like it."

"You said you would support me in this!" she pointed out.

"I am aware of that," he sighed. "I must have been drunk when I agreed to it."

"You were not! Please, Lucifer. It won't be for long, just a few days. And I'm taking full responsibility for him, I promise!"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better about that terrible idea?" he raised his brows.

"You trust me, don't you Lucifer?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

"That is a foul trick you are using, love" he hissed.

"I know, but you still love me, don't you?" she giggled and sat on his lap, putting arms around his neck.

"You are impossible to argue with," he rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide his pleased smile. "Call your demon hunter then, if you want it so badly."

"Thank you," she said and kissed him. "I'm glad you agreed, as I already called him. He's coming tomorrow." Lucifer groaned in annoyance. 

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now