"Yes, my lord. King Brandon ... he is very angry. Every night he swears to cut you down, your grace."

"Right," Tywin huffed, taking the boy by his hair.

"My lord I've told you all I can!" He squeaked.

"Yes, I want you to show this new King of the North what awaits him, his son, his lord's sons and all men who ride with him, should he continue his venture towards Kingslanding." He took his sword from his side, held it above his head and swung it down, earning a loud scream from the boy. He had cut his right hand from his wrist, sniffing as he cleaned his sword with his shirt. "Clean him up and send him back," Tywin instructed those around him.

They had returned to the Keep a while later, to discuss their next move. "Are you sure we should stay here?" Rhaegar asked Tywin for the hundredth time, tapping his hand impatiently on the wooden desk. He had disagreed with the treatment of the messenger, making sure to make his displeasure known. Tywin had reminded him they were at war not making a truce with the Stark's.

Tywin nodded his head, "your father ... he has sent at least ten-thousand Targaryen soldiers for a butchering. Meeting Brandon in an open field is a waste of men. Let him come to us, we will close the cities gates as they near and starve them out. His men will show their loyalty then."

Rhaegar nodded. "I understand."

"Your grace," Tywin began, Rhaegar knew what he was to say, he had been saying it for so long now. "I am loyal to you, you know this. I am not fighting for a Mad King to stay on that Throne – I am fighting for a new future. You must make it known that you are the fittest one to rule and take him from the throne."

He was now sat on a chair by a garden balcony that overlooked the city, almost waiting for Brandon to march the city that very moment. His wife, who had been confirmed to being five moons with child by Maester Pycelle, was somewhere within the Keep with the children.

Rhaegar had to admit, this time around she had barely shown any signs to pregnancy and was not as round as she was the same time she had been with child with the twins. That or perhaps he had not been paying enough attention to her. That meant the twins were now six moons old almost seven and had shown their first two front teeth. He preferred spending time with them, the talk about Brandon annoying him from time to time. Tywin had proposed they wait in Kingslanding, drawing them in. But they were constantly hearing of castles they had sacked and of the land they gained – having called most of their men to the city. He had to promise large reparations for the families who had sacrificed their ancestral homes as bait, going as far as to give secondary castles to some.

Of course, he had a conversation, well more argument with Arianne about her leaving Kingslanding. She insisted on staying in Kingslanding and had asked Rhaegar if he was so confident in their victory why he felt the need to send her away. They had come to the compromise of sending the twins to Dorne in a week's time with Nymella and Penelope to stay with the Martell's as a form of trust-building. Prince Doran had also requested Oberyn be given a seat at the war council – which he was, and be given a private audience with Rhaegar – which he would be in a few days.

He sighed, playing with his ring. Now all he had to worry about was bringing his father gently from the throne.


Rhaegar snapped his head around, it was Julian, running towards him at speeds unknown to man. Behind him ran Otto and Mace, unable to keep up with the light-footed Tyrell.

Arthur and Ser Lewyn, who had been tasked with guarding Rhaegar drew their swords at the approaching Julian. "Step back my lord!" Arthur shouted from underneath his helm.

"No, it's alright," Rhaegar said, holding his hand out to the two and passing them by. "What is it?" He asked Julian.

He saw his face clearly now, it was stained with tears, his cheeks and nose were red, and his eyes were puffy. Julian drew his hand back, balling it into a fist, he grabbed onto Rhaegar's shirt and punched him. "I have stuck by you," he cried, lowering his head to a bent-over Rhaegar. Rhaegar held his hand out again to the two Kingsguard behind him. He held onto his nose in pain, groaning and blinked as he felt blood trickle from his nose to his lips. "I have waited as you twiddled your thumbs, I have agreed to commit treason for you – all because I love you as a brother would love a brother. And look at where it has gotten me."

"Julian!" Mace shouted, drawing his cousin back and apologising to Rhaegar.

He shouted a few incoherent words, "I would fall on my own sword before fighting for a coward!"

"What in the gods' name is wrong with him!?" Rhaegar exclaimed, wiping his nose dry with his shirt.

"The King has had Mimi burnt," Otto whispered, watching as Julian was led away by Mace. He did not hold back from his shouts and profanities, stripping himself of his light armour as he went. He had drawn the attention of some onlookers as well. Otto squinted, watching as they returned to the Keep. "For refusing to name her brother as a traitor."

The council, Rhaegar thought to himself, he must've found out about it. It wasn't exactly like he'd tried to hide it from him.


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