
Nora's body ached as her vision started coming back to her. As she wearily looked around, she began to sit up, stopping in her tracks as she felt the sharp pain stabbing through her shoulder.

"Where am I?" she asks aloud, looking around and seeing no one. She was laying in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room, a throbbing emanating from her shoulder.

She could hear someone below her, talking to someone else. She was getting nervous, eyes looking around the room anxiously.

She sees a pair of scissors on the nightstand next to her, resting next to a roll of bandages. Nora hides them in her hand, pulling her hand underneath the blanket that covered her body, just in time for someone to walk up the stairs and open the door.

"You're awake!" the older woman-- maybe in her mid forties-- says with a warm smile. "How do you feel?"

"Who are you?" Nora asks quickly, peeking the pair of scissors out from under the blanket as a subtle warning.

"You can call me Jane," she says with a smile, having noticed the scissors yet nonetheless inching closer to the curly haired girl. "You're Nora, correct?"

"Why do you know my name?" she asks now, sitting up as far as her body will allow her.

"My son is in the military," Jane replies, pushing some of her brown hair behind her ear. "Survey Corps, too. That's why I felt like I absolutely had to help you."

"How'd you help me?"

"It seems like you were shot, dear," she replies with a sad sigh. "I found you not too far from my house. I saw the Wings on your uniform, and good thing you're small, because I had to carry you all the way home," she adds with a slight laugh, inching closer to the bedridden girl. "I had some medical stitches around the house, but I never used them before."

"You stitched me?"

"Not well, but I closed the wound. I've done a lot of sewing in my time," she laughs again, now sitting on the edge of the bed "How do you feel, dear? Some friends of yours are downstairs."

"My friends?"

"I ran into one of my son's friends when I was carrying you back. I told her that you were hurt, and she found my son and his friends and they came back to wait for you."

"How long was I out?"

"Only about half an hour. You didn't lose too much blood, I think you just passed out from the pain."

"Can I go see my friends?"

"Of course," she smiles, handing Nora her cleaned uniform, having already sewed up the bullet hole and scrubbed out as much of the blood as she could.

She leaves the room as Nora changes, waiting on the other side of the door for her to finish. Once he finishes, Nora opens the door to see Jane, patiently waiting for her.

"So who's your son?" she finally asks, shaking out her curls.

"Jean Kirstein," she replies with a smile, thinking fondly of her son. "Jean Boy, oh he never comes to visit," she sighs. The two begin walking towards the stairs. "But when I told that oriental girl to go get him, he came running home, shouting 'Where's Nora? Where's Nora?' Oh, sweetie, he needs to sort out his priorities."

They walk slowly down the stairs, the pain in Nora's shoulder a dull ache as she takes the steps. "Thank you for helping me... Sorry about threatening you with your own scissors and all," Nora says, face pinking at the thought of her being threatened by Jean's mom. Jane simply shakes her head, a smile on her face.

Childhood Friends (Attack on Titan// Levi Ackerman Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now