"Lord Stark-," Rhaegar began.

Rickard held his hand up. "You must tell Brandon to marry Lyanna to Robert. The North needs the Stormlands, especially now with a young wolf at its helm. Tell him to not do anything that will upset the King, he is hot-blooded, Brandon is. Ned is to marry whomever he pleases, or if an alliance is found that will do as well. Perhaps one with the Reach. And tell them all I am sorry I couldn't see their children. But stress this to Brandon, watch your steps and don't do anything in the heat of the moment. He has a wife and a child to think of now, as well as the North in it's entirety." Rickard had to convince himself that Brandon was ready to take the reigns, but deep down he did not know if he was. Brandon was impulsive, quick-tempered and carried out acts when angry he wouldn't usually do. Those traits would quickly see him with many enemies and he hoped with age and council Brandon would realise to control it.

Rhaegar sighed once more. "I will tell them; will you ride to the North as he tells you?"

"He will imprison me I'm sure. Your grace ... I refuse to have a song made of my house. The Starks are to survive this, I'm asking you as your servant."

Rhaegar knew that Rickard was referring to the Reigns of Castamere, the song awarded to the now extinct house of Castamere. He stood up and patted Rickard's shoulder, "I will assure that Brandon doesn't do anything he will regret."

Rickard stepped forward from the crowd, nodding to Arianne in reassurance as she sent a quizzical look towards Aerys.

"Lord Stark, you along with my wife have betrayed me in the greatest way possible. Not only are you said to be conspiring against me to bring me from the throne, but you also kept my own daughter from me ... without my knowledge," Aerys began, playing with a sword end on the throne.

Arianne shook her head, "no he was just following what the Queen asked of him, that is-,"

"Hush my Princess, let your father speak," Aerys tutted. "Therefore, I choose to be gracious and strip you of your titles and lands, handing it to your son Lord Brandon Stark. You are to join the Night's Watch and live out your days there."

"I will not," Rickard spoke up, he felt his heartbeat in his throat and the cries of his children were heard around him. The rest of the court was silent. Rickard could not let his eyes flicker to the dragon heads that stood next to the King. And then to the helmed Kingsguard, their golden armour and white capes contrasting the darkroom. He might have told Rhaegar he would go to the Wall, but there was no way that he a Lord Paramount would be dishonoured in such a way.

"Silence your pigs," Aerys scowled, glaring at Brandon, Ned and Lyanna, who closed their mouths. "Are you refusing my demands?"

"I am asking to challenge them," Rickard responded. "I have never conspired against you and was merely following what the Queen asked of me. I did not know Arianne was your daughter." Rickard was glad Rhaella had chosen not to attend court today, she would have had herself killed in the process.

Arianne felt like shouting out at the King, but the hand on her wrist belonging to Rhaegar prevented her from doing anything.

"Who is your fighter then?"

"Myself, representing House Stark," Rickard proudly responded.

Aerys let out a deranged laugh, "and mine is Wildfire, representing House Targaryen."

Brandon felt the world around him collapse, his breath shaky as he closed his eyes in dread. He knew as well from the looks of those standing next to Aerys, from Rhaegar to the Kingsguard, they knew was what coming up. "Father, the Wall. Benjen is there."

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