There's Faith In Love

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It had been 2 weeks since our run in with Devin. I was officially divorced and never had to see Devin again. I was happier than ever. I hadn’t have a nightmare since I told Jaime everything. I had finally told Mike and Vic everything and they had been just as shocked as Tony. The only downfall of my life at the moment was that Pierce The Veil had started their tour and Stephanie, Frenchi, Jess, and I were left lonely. Jess and Vic were “official” now. They were so cute and I could tell both of them were totally in love.

The 4 of us all missed our men. I was so happy that they were doing a show in San Diego that night. I didn’t think I could spend another second without seeing Jaime.

“Ok, let’s go. I don’t wanna wait anymore,” Frenchi announced. She stood up and grabbed her purse. I felt the same exact way.

We all agreed that we didn’t care if we were early, we just wanted to see them. We piled in my car and drove to the venue. It was a saturday, so we all had off and we had spent all day waiting till it was time to leave.

When we got there, we quickly spotted the Pierce The Veil tour bus. We ran over and knocked on the door and Casey opened it. “Hey guys. They’re in there setting up. Just use the back door,” he told us pointing to a door behind the venue. We raced in to the venue and found ourselves backstage. There was a security guy at the entrance of the door and we flashed him our VIP passes.

Behind a curtain, we could hear a bunch of guys talking. “Put the drums there, Mike,” we could hear Vic say. We moved the curtain and found all four guys setting up their equipment.

Jaime was the first to notice us. “Stop arguing about your stupid drums and go say hi to your girlfriends,” he commanded as he put down his bass. He ran up to me and rapped my in a hug. “I missed you,” he whispered into my hair. I embraced the feeling of his body against mine. He backed up to look at me. His lips came into contact with mine and I didn’t want to stop. Unfortunately, he let go and just looked at me. “I love you,” he told me. 

“I love you, too,” I responded. He pulled me back into the hug. 

After our little love fest, the guys continued to set up their stuff. Vic and Mike kept arguing about the position of the drums and Jaime tested his mic for about the 100th time. Tony had completely abandoned his guitar and was talking with Stephanie. Soon, Mike and Vic decided on a spot for the drums and we decided to get something to et before the show. Of course, we went to the Mexican restaurant.

“I’m so happy you guys are here,” Vic announced putting his arm around Jess. They seemed really happy together and I was glad Vic had finally found someone.

We ordered our food and waited. To be honest, I didn’t care if I got my food or even how it tasted. I just wanted to be with Jaime. I felt him put his arm around my shoulder. He kissed my cheek. I couldn’t believe I was finally able to feel his body on mine. FaceTime just didn’t cut it sometimes.

When our food came, we ate and then drove back to the venue. We went into the tour bus. Jaime sat down in the front and I plopped down next to him. He pulled my close to him. Frenchi and Mike went into the back lounge. I had no desire to know what they were oing back there. Very sexual couple those two. Everyone else sat down with us.

“What are they doing back there?” Jess asked. Considering that she hadn’t known they guys, Frenchi, and Stephanie that long, it was a legitimate question.

“Believe me, you don’t wanna know,” Vic told her. I saw her blush and look away.

“It’s been 2 weeks. Their hormones probably can’t contain themselves anymore,” I commented. Tony cracked a smile. It was true. Those two couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

All too soon it was time and the guys had to get read to play. They weren’t playing for almost 3 hours because they had 3 opening acts, but they were very punctual. 

“What shirt should I wear?” Jaime asked me sifting through his suitcase. The first thought that came into my mind was “No shirt would be good,” but by no means was I going to tell him that.

I shrugged. “You look good in anything, babe,” I responded. He smiled and pulled me close to his body. He leaned against the bunks (which didn’t look very comfortable) and put his lips on mine.

“No preference?” he questioned and kissed me again.

Instead of talking I just shook my head. I didn’t want him to let go. I had missed him so much, much more that I had realized. I needed him so much. He was truly my everything. If I didn’t have him, I’d be lonely and poor and I’d probably be back with Devin.

Soon, we were fully making out and I was surprised no one had interrupted us yet. Living with Tony, we were practically never alone for more than a few minutes. Not that I didn’t love Tony. He was my best friend after all.

“Wait a minute,” he whispered. He zipped up his suitcase and moved it off his bunk. He climbed in and gestured for me to to get in with him.

“You have to play soon, though,” I pointed out. Believe me, I wanted to. I really wanted to, but he really did have to play.

“Not for at least 2 hours,” Jaime told me, “Just go with it.” I hesitated, but climbed in. “Unless you don’t want to. I totally respect that,” he said quickly. Did he seriously thought I didn’t want to? I had wanted to for a while.

“Oh, no. I want to,” I told him. The butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I hadn’t done this willingly since I got pregnant.

“Me too,” he whispered. He pulled the curtain closed and put his lips on my. We quickly picked up where we had left off.

I pulled his shirt over his head. Our lips and bodies moved in sync. He took off my shirt and fumbled with the clasp on the back of my bra. He got it off and I started on his pants. 

An hour later, after we were done, we were laying in his bunk (yes, naked). This was the first time that this type of experience had been enjoyable for me. My only male to female contact had been forced since now. “I love you,” he whispered. He turned to look at me. I was about to say I love him too, but he wasn’t finished. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved any girl. I want to be be with you forever, Alex. I don’t care happened before we met. I love you and I just want to be with you for the rest of my life,” he finished. It was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me. He usually was always trying to make me laugh, considering how hyper he was, but in that moment he was more serious than ever.

I was too stunned by the beautiful comment he had just made to respond. I just looked into his loving brown eyes for a few moments. “I love you, too,” I whispered back finally.

“Jaime! Where the fuck are you?” we heard Vic say from outside the bunk.

“I’m coming,” Jaime shouted. I was hoping Vic wouldn’t open the curtain.

“Ok, we..m hurry up. We’re on in 15 minutes,” Vic announced. How long had we been in here?

Jaime fumbled to turn on the light overhead and continued to look for his pants. He struggled to put them considering we were laying down. He handed me my shirt nd I tried to find the rest of my clothes. After we were all dressed, we climbed out of the bunk and raced over to the back door of the venue that lead backstage.

“Do I even want to know what you were doing?” Vic questioned shaking his head. I felt my face get hot.

“I don’t think so,” Jaime responded. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back down at me. How did I get so lucky?

“We’re ready for you guys to go on,” Casey told the guys. 

Jaime picked up his bass and kissed my cheek. “Love you,” he whispered in my ear and ran onstage before I could respond.

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