Find A Way To Say You Saw Me

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     When I got home, Jaime and Tony were already there. "Hey guys," I shouted closing the door and locking it.

     "Hey," Jaime shouted back. He sounded distracted. Living in an apartment, there was really no need to shout, but we always did.

     I noticed Vic and Mike were there, too. "Hey guys," I greeted them in my normal tone.

     "Hey Alex," Vic replied with a nod. They were playing video games, how typical of them.The animated figures on the screen shot at each other. One of them fell on the ground, clearly suppose to be dead.

     "How dare you kill me!" Jaime yelled at Mike. He stood up and through his remote control on the couch. Everyone laughed. This is why I loved him so much.

     He walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. "How was work?" he questioned slipping his arms around my waist.

     "Good," I responded. Taking him in distracted me from everything else. Suddenly, the 3 guys in the living room didn't matter. He was all that mattered.

     "How was Attila?" he asked not letting go of me. He kissed my cheek again.

     "They were good," I replied. I turned around in his arms. He was so perfect and loved me so much.

     "That's good," he said quietly. He kissed me on the lips.

     "How's the set list coming?" I asked. I planted another kiss on his lips before he could answer. I wanted to kiss him all day. I ran one of my hand through his spiky hair.

     "Pretty good. We just need an intro now," he told me. I stared into his brown eyes with my blue ones. He pushed some of my long brown hair out of my face and kissed me again. Every kiss seemed to send a tingle through my body. This time, he didn't pull away though. My eyes closed. He bit my lip making my mouth open. He put his tongue through and we started making out.

     "Oh, sweet Jesus. My eyes," we heard Mike say after a few minutes.

     We pulled apart and I could feel a blush form an my cheeks.

     "And in the kitchen!" Mike exclaimed, "You eat in here for fuck's sake." I laughed. Mike was always made me laugh. If I ever needed cheering up, he was the one to go to. Mike opened the fridge and pulled out a soda, which was surprising since he usually drank something alcoholic.

     "Oh my God! Mike's drinking something besides whiskey!" Jaime shouted, taking his arms off my waist. I felt empty without him touching me. It was more of a need than a want.

     "Oh my God. Are you sick?" Vic asked. He ran up to Mike to feel his forehead. Mike laugh and pushed Vic away.

     "I'm fine! Why do I have to drink alcohol to be ok?" he asked obviously agitated.

     "'Cause that's what you usually drink," Tony told him. I laughed. We did call him Mikey Whiskey Hands for a reason.

     I walked into the living room where they had finished their game. "Who won?" I asked them.

     "Me, obviously," Mike replied proudly. He usually did win the war-type games, but Tony always won FIFA.

     "You only won 'cause I let you," Tony muttered under his breath. Even though it was low, we all heard it.

     "Keep dreaming, Turtle," Mike yelled at him. Turtle was Tony's nickname. It was his favorite animal and had been forever.

       "I'm hungry!" Vic complained holding his stomach. On cue, my stomach rumbled. "Alex is hungry, too. That means we get food," Vic announced. He stood up and took out his car keys.

Just Give Her Back To Me (Jaime Preciado Fan Fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin