ابدأ من البداية

The eldest Mikaelson sibling stands on the balcony, "It was Dahlia. This was all part of her plan. No doubt, she killed Aiden, hoping that the blame would fall on Klaus, the family would divide, and she could win Klaus to her cause."

"To try to convince him to hand over Hope. Even we know that he's not stupid, especially when it concerns his daughter." Monique considered.

"Absolutely. Nik would never align with Dahlia." Eva/Rebekah emphasized.

"Mmhm. Which means he has another plan up his sleeve." Monique said.

A scoff of utter disbelief escapes Freya, "You continue to defend him."

"He'd kill anyone who'd try to take his daughter." Eva/Rebekah declared.

"Isn't it Hayley who's trying to take his daughter?" With another man, even though that man is the young woman's husband, Freya reminded them.

"Their daughter." Monique reminded them in return of the raw truth.

"Yes, let's not forget that Dahlia is the true enemy here!" Elijah added on.

Freya fakes a smile for them, "How good, then, that I finished my spell." Fortunately; she walks down another set of stairs to reach one of the three significant paintings, which is hung on an easel, "The paint of his artwork, combined with my blood, will render Dahlia vulnerable. The moment she passes between these paintings--" She gestures to the two other specific paintings, which are hung on the opposite walls, "--she will be mortal."

She pulls the small blade that Elijah gave her for Mikael's memorial out of her jacket pocket and hands it to her brother, "You can kill her...using this."

A sense of surprise washes over Elijah's expression, "Father's knife?"

"I thought it appropriate." Freya earns smiles from both Monique and Eva/Rebekah while the determined young man takes the small blade from her.

Later on, the foursome are gathered in the ballroom, with Eden now, in which Freya is sprinkling herbs over the clay golem from Kol's playhouse to create the decoy they require to lure Dahlia into the trap they have set up.

A shaky sigh leaves Monique, "Now are you sure this is going to work?" Considering they shouldn't ever underestimate their enemies, just in case.

"Come on. Have a little faith. 'Sure' is her middle name." Eden spoke up.

"Let's not toss around words like 'sure'." Eva/Rebekah suggested them.

Freya continues sprinkling herbs on the doll, "Nonsense! You grow more adept with magic each day, and this spell is flawless. Though, I might have preferred Elijah ask my permission before volunteering me as the bait."

"Yes, I'm not in the habit of asking permission." Elijah, genuinely amused to earn a look from his own lover by his sister's bitterness, admitted.

A smile comes upon Freya's face, "No matter. We have all that we need. Rebekah will perform the spell, using my heartbeat and the golem to craft the illusion of Hope's presence." She turns to her brother, "Once Dahlia is lured into the killing ground, you will do what is necessary." With the blade.

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