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Marcel Gerard's Loft

Gia Cortez and Sebastian Deveraux have just come back to the apartment across the river from the Quarter, where Marcel is patiently waiting for them.

"Well, we did it." The oldest vampire in the spacious living room casually walks over to the mini bar to pour himself a glass of strong bourbon.

The youngest one informed the young man, "Yeah, we kept a low profile, went all over the city. There's no sign of Elijah anywhere." Unfortunately.

"Checked every nook and cranny. He's definitely not in the city." Sebastian added on before he drinks his liquor to dampen the disappointment.

Marcel looks outside to the view through the big glass window, "Yeah, the humans I know said the same thing. Maybe Klaus is having better luck?"

"He's just getting started, actually." Sounded Monique instead, who walks into the apartment to join them, trailed after by Hayley herself once again.

"Which sucks, considering how low the bar is around here." Hayley added, which earns her relatable puzzled looks from Marcel and Gia only.

"Oh, goody. The mean girls are here." Sebastian sarcastically labeled them, which only earns him a feigned friendly smile from his own maternal aunt.

Monique spoke once more, "Listen, you three up for a rescue mission?"

Gia steps forward enthusiastically, smiling, "Are we going after Elijah?"

"I wish, but Klaus made sure he'll handle that. I'm talking about Oliver." Monique sends a quick glance at the clearly concerned hybrid, "Now, he, Elijah and I were fighting the werewolves together. I've heard that Oliver's been captured and is about to be executed. Now, look-- if we can save him, then we might be able to find out where Elijah is eventually, hopefully."

"Don't hope. It makes life much easier." Sebastian called out in defense, "Especially considering you just uttered 'might' and 'if' in a sentence."

Marcel simply shrugs it off, "'Kay, so what do you want from us?" Aid.

"Just a little distraction. Esther's son, Finn, the one who broke my neck, he's the one that's controlling the werewolves. If you can keep him out of the way, Hayley and I can go get Oliver ourselves. Sounds good?"

Monique turns to go already, but Marcel quickly vamp-speeds around her to stand in her way, "You can't take on all those wolves by yourselves. Either one of you'll get killed, and then I'll get killed for letting it happen."

"Which is exactly why we need your help." Monique simply nods it off.

A tired sigh leaves Hayley, "We're not going in alone. The werewolves may be answering to the witches, but they still have an Alpha." A true leader.

"More like a queen." Monique smiles at her, "We just have to find him."


Kieran O'Connell's Secret Apartment

Cami and Marisa are in the hidden room, in the closet, in their late uncle's apartment, surrounded by shelves of mystical objects and files that Kieran had amassed over the years. The blonde peers through a large book on a desk, and skims the pages until she comes across the name Vincent Griffith, her therapist. Her eyes widen in shock, just as Marcel steps into the room.

JUST A LITTLE BIT OF YOUR HEART | TO [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora