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Vampire Territory in Algiers, New Orleans

Elijah Mikaelson, the official leader of The Faction, meets with Monique Deveraux, the leader of the Vampire Faction, and the rest of the vampires across the river from the French Quarter about the Feast of Blessings, suggested by the witch leader Genevieve earlier as invitation for a new start now that Marcel Gerard remains exiled from their city for one month already. Diego skeptically eavesdrops on their conversation from nearby.

"To honor the witches, because they were banned from doing any form of magic for eight months under Marcel's rule. Seems fair enough." She nods in quick understanding for the triumphant time of the witches in the Quarter.

"Hang on." Diego steps in to intervene, "You want us to go to a witch event on bended knee and give them a gift? I'm sorry, but I just remembered. We're busy doing just about anything else that night. And aren't these the same people who you're avoiding in your entire life?" He turns back to her.

"That's a personal matter, but we can't not go just because the faction leader is too scared to show her face. That would be selfish of me." Monique shakes her head at her defensive follower, "And we actually have to put on a good impression, especially considering my name is on that peace treaty."

"I appreciate the understanding and cooperation, Monique. Diego, I would advise you to listen intently to your leader's rules." Elijah commented.

A scoff of disbelief escapes Diego defensively, "I never thought I'd see the day. Vampires bowing down to witches, including the queen herself."

"Diego, if you're going to let your ego get the best of you, then I would be more than willing to put you out of your misery by joining Marcel...exiled." Monique, as the revered leader, threatened him with a fake smile, "I would hate to be the one to give you an ultimatum that I will kill you if I see you around my territory again. So you should consider yourself lucky, for now."

"Yes, I see it as a demonstration of strength, acknowledging a lesser faction." Elijah spoke once again about honoring the mortal witches.

A genuinely grateful smile shows up on Monique's lovely and calm expression for her best friend, "Thank you for the invitation, Elijah."


Marcel Gerard's Loft

Diego and Monique have come over to meet with Thierry Vanchure about the plan at Marcel's brand new apartment somewhere in the Algiers as well.

"You can't just start a revolution, all on your own, from exile across the river. I mean, like it or not, Elijah's plan is the new reality." Diego explained about the establishment of The Faction in the French Quarter as the boundaries.

"Elijah's got you bowing down to witches. How long until you're kow-towing to werewolves? The same people who slaughtered your entire family? Do I need to remind you about that?" Thierry argued sarcastically as a reminder.

A scoffs escapes Diego, "Yeah, no, I learned from the best." He sends a quick smile at the young woman at that, who fakes a smile in return, before he looks back at him, "Right, and who's going to lead this rebellion, huh? You?"

Marcel walks down the steps of stairs to join them, "I got a few ideas." He presents a genuinely friendly smile for the new leader, who smiles in return.

"There he is. The guy who's petty and reckless enough to start an actual rebellion as retaliation for his exile. Let's just cancel it before anything undesirable happens that you may regret, yeah?" Monique advised him.

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