MJ nodded, and after sending a text to Jinjin to inform the group of Sienna and his doing, the both of them started walking slowly, along the Thames, at first quietly. Until Sienna broke the silence.

"MJ," she said, "there is something I should tell you..."

"What is it?"

"I've never told anyone this, except Moonbin... But three years ago, when I was 19, my twin brother, Jamie, was killed in front of me, but I never knew why..." the young girl took a deep breath. "I'm telling you this because you remind me of him so much... You're both funny, you have the same sparkle in your eyes, that shows how clever you are. You both enjoy life to its fullest, and you're always there for the people you love... What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry I was so cold with you for so long..." She paused. "When I saw you, you were the living image of Jamie. And you were the living representation of an unbearable pain... But now... Now that I know the truth about my brother's death, I am proud of him, and I am not scared to be around you anymore. On the contrary."

MJ remained silent, as he took it all in. "I'm not mad at you for your attitude towards me," he finally said. "Somehow, I knew you would come around. Thank you for telling me this, I'm glad you did. I'm sorry for your brother, truly... It must have been so hard for you, I can't even begin to imagine how much."

"Thank you."

"You know that if you need anything, I'll be there, right?" MJ said. Sienna glanced at him and smiled.

"Ye, I do," she replied softly.

They kept walking, and the both of them felt as light and free as air. "Can I ask you a question?" MJ said.


"Do you still love Moonbin?"

Sienna choked. "I- I... Yes... I do love him... So much..."

"And are you still broken up?"

"We haven't talked about it, but yes we are... Until the danger is still there, I can't afford to put him in danger..."

"I understand," MJ nodded. "But let me tell you this : the person who stabbed Moonbin, knew you cared about him. Let's face the facts here, you care for all of us : Jinjin, Eunwoo, Moonbin, Rocky, Sanha and me. If Moonbin hadn't opened the door that night, it would have been another one of us, and the same thing would have happened. That person didn't stab Moonbin because you were dating. That person stabbed him because he/she knew you care about him. Same thing would have happened to Jinjin and so on. Probably not me though, I think it was pretty clear you were like ice around me, so it wouldn't have worked so well..." MJ's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Ya!! How can you say such a thing!! I would have been devastated!"

"I'm afraid I'll need proof," MJ winked.

"You're an idiot," Sienna growled.

"I know! Anyway," MJ continued in a serious tone, "I think you shouldn't let this incident get in the way of your relationship with Moonbin. It won't change anything if you date him or not. Whatever happens, we're all in danger, like you said. But we have bodyguards. And if it makes you feel better, we can ask them to guard the dorm."

"So the actual smart thing to do, would be to not hang out with you guys, until the case is solved and there is no danger anymore." Sienna said.

"Ya! Are you stupid or what?!" MJ exclaimed, rolling his eyes up. "I didn't say that! We have bodyguards, nothing will happen! ... Anymore," he added. He then sighed. "I've never seen Moonbin happier than when he's with you, you know... He truly loves you. And I know you deeply love him as well. Acting like you don't isn't helping you, him or us. We're in this together. The moment you became our friend, then when you told us the truth, then started dating Moonbin, all this made you one of us. We're a team. We don't fight alone, one against the world. We stick together, because we're stronger."

Until Death do us Part (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now