Chapter Eleven

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"We'll be arriving in Vancouver in a few minutes," the pilot announced. "Please remain seated until the plane has stopped."

During the ten hours spent on that plane, Sienna had slept, worked, eaten, talked to So Young, and spent a lot of time with Moonbin and the others. It had been a long journey, and they were all very exhausted as they arrived in Vancouver. Two cars were waiting for them : one for Astro, and one for the team. They arrived safely at the Trump International Hotel, and were shown to their suites. They all expressed their amazement as they saw how luxurious the hotel was. It was time for dinner when they arrived at the hotel, and they just had the time to discover their suites, put the bags down, and head downstairs for dinner. After a nice meal, they headed back upstairs to sleep. Sanha, Eunwoo and MJ shared a suite, and Moonbin, Rocky and Jinjin another. Whilst Sienna and So Young shared one. As Sienna was brushing her teeth, she received a text from Moonbin : "join me at the swimming-pool. Let's talk." Sienna smiled : "I'll be there in ten minutes." She put her toothbrush down.

"So Young," she said to her friend, already in bed, watching tv, "I'm heading out for a while."


Sienna grabbed her swimming costume from her suitcase, went to the bathroom to put it on. She also put a white silk dressing gown she closed, and her flip flops, took her key, and went out. She had no trouble finding the swimming pool, and entered. It was an inside pool, and the room was warm, and lightly illuminated. Moonbin was in the water, looking in the void, a small smile in the corner of his lips. The silence that was reigning was troubled only by the soft sound of the water. Sienna couldn't help but smile at the sight, as she could feel her heart race and her cheeks burn a little bit.

"Hey," she said. Moonbin snapped out of his daydreaming, as he turned his head towards Sienna.

"Hey," he said softly, with his smile that always swiped her off her feet. "Care to join me?"

Sienna smiled and nodded. She felt a little intimidated by him being half naked in front of her, and the atmosphere suddenly seemed hot. She took her dressing gown off, along with her flip flops, and went inside the swimming pool. Moonbin approached her and stopped only when their faces were inches apart.

"Aren't you tired?" he asked.

"A little. But I always have some energy left to come and join you whenever." Sienna answered with a small smile. She was desperately trying to control her heart that seemed to be about to burst out of her chest any time now. He was so close...

Moonbin smiled. "I'm glad. I actually wanted to have some alone time with you, since I'm pretty sure we won't be able to have any in the days to come."


"Well, because we'll be preparing the concert, rehearsing, and you'll be working with the team... Then when we visit the town, we'll be all together, and I don't think we'll have any time, just the two of us..." Moonbin explained, suddenly looking serious.

Sienna chuckled. "I meant, why did you want to have some alone time with me?"

"Oh... Well... Because, it's been a little more than two weeks since I've told you I love you, and I feel like we might need to talk about that..." Moonbin said shyly, as he scratched his head.

"I actually wanted to talk about that too..." Sienna admitted. "I never said it back..."

"I don't want to pressure you. All I want to say, is that I still love you, and if you want to, I'd like to be with you, and you... with me?"

Sienna opened her mouth and closed it. She knew what she wanted, yet, she couldn't seem to be able to say it to Moonbin. She wanted to tell him she loved him, because she did, and she wanted to be with him, all the time, spend as much time as possible with him, feel safe, love and be loved... But it seemed that right now, she couldn't afford that. If she accepted that, she was putting him in danger. And because she loved him so much, she didn't want him to be in any danger. Yet, refusing him would break his heart...... The truth. Always tell him the truth.

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